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WebAdMIT PDF Manager Configuration

Use WebAdMIT’s PDF Manager to configure exporting documents.

Using WebAdMIT's PDF Manager

Review the Working with the PDF Manager article to extract PDFs from WebAdMIT. When building your export, follow these specifications:

Export Name
  • Full Application PDF: TargetX-Integration-Full-App-PDF-CASName
  • Transcripts: TargetX-Integration-Transcript-PDF-CASName
  • Electronically Submitted Evaluation: TargetX-Integration-Recommendations-PDF-CASName
  • Foreign Evaluation: TargetX-Integration-ForeignEvaluation-PDF-CASName
  • CAS Level Applicant Upload: TargetX-Integration-CASSupplemental-PDF-CASName
  • Program Level Applicant Upload: TargetX-Integration-ProgramSupplemental-PDF-CASName

File Name Pattern

  •  Full Application PDF: <CAS ID>_<Program ID>_FullPDF_<Date Received>
  • Transcripts: <CAS ID>_<First Name>_<Last Name>_Transcript_<Transcript Type>_<College Attended ID (Internal)>_<College Name>_<Date Received>
  • Electronically Submitted Evaluation (if at program-level): <CAS ID>_<Program ID>_Evaluation_<Evaluator’s Name>_<Date Received>
  • Electronically Submitted Evaluation (if at CAS-level): <CAS ID>_Evaluation_<Evaluator’s Name>_<Date Received>
  • Foreign Evaluation: <CAS ID>_<First Name>_<Last Name>_Foreign Evaluation_<Evaluation Agency>
  • CAS Level Applicant Upload: <CAS ID>_CASSupplement_<Source>_<Date Received>
  • Program Level Applicant Upload: <CAS ID>_<Program ID>_ ProgramSupplement_<Source>_<Date Received>

When working on PDF templates,  note that the prelaunch environment does not allow submission of official transcripts and foreign evaluations, so you'll need to manually recreate these export templates in the production environment.


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