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Navigating Othot

Main Menu

You can access the Main Menu from any page. 


From the Main Menu, you can navigate to the following pages:

  • Insights: analyze and generate predictions, simulate decisions and strategies, and create and export reports with dynamic visualizations; this is where most users spend the majority of their time in Othot.
  • Tasks: open and collaborate on projects that were shared with you by other users in your account.
  • Model: upload historical data to train the model, as well as your current data for which predictions will be made.
  • Admin: manage users, set their permissions, assign them to groups, and control your account's security settings.
  • Data: upload files to be shared with members of your team or with Othot support.
  • Divisions: switch between departments within your organization, such Enrollment or Retention.
  • Profile: update your contact information, set your preferences, and manage your login credentials.

Navigating the Analyze Section

The Analyze section from the Insights page is where most users spend the majority of their time. The four keys areas of this page are as follows: 

  • Product: if available in your account, switch between Products (i.e., Enrollment, Retention, Student Success, Graduation, or Advancement).
  • Visualizations and Prediction Overview: cycle through various charts to better understand what's behind your total prediction.
  • The Grid: view predictions and information for each individual. Click on any row to view individual-level analytics.
  • Prescriptive Modules: a variety of tools to simulate decisions around resource allocation to help make better decisions.

Analyze Page.png

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