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Managing Your Applicant Portal

Outcomes offers an Applicant Portal, where you can design an experience to guide applicants through each stage of the application process and help them complete the things required of them. When configuring your programs, you can establish what items (e.g., document requests, supplemental questions, or decision letters) should appear to applicants during different stages of their application process. For CAS programs, the Outcomes Applicant Portal can be used to request additional documents or establish a supplemental application to be used after applicants have submitted via the CAS.

    Demo login page for the Applicant Portal

Configuring Your Applicant Portal

To configure your Applicant Portal:

  1. Navigate to the Settings menu and click Applicant Portal in the Application Setup section. A preview of your portal appears on the right.

    Applicant Portal menu
  2. Click the Edit pencil to begin configuring your portal.
  3. From the Applicant Portal Settings page, you can review and update your configuration.

    Applicant Portal settings page
    • Domain: the web address applicants use to access your Applicant Portal.
    • Browser Title: the text that appears at the top of the browser when a user navigates to your Applicant Portal.
    • Favicon URL: the web address of your favicon. A favicon is an icon associated with your institution that displays to your portal's users in different areas, e.g., near their browser's address bar, or as the icon when your portal is bookmarked.
    • Support Email Address: the email address applicants are directed to when they need assistance.
  4. Use the HTML area to modify your portal's appearance.

    Applicant portal HTML
    There are several sections you can configure:
    • Header HTML
    • Footer HTML
    • Header/Footer CSS
    • Global CSS Override
  5. Click PREVIEW to see what the portal looks like with your current configurations.

    Applicant portal map
    1. Header: format the top of your Applicant Portal page using the Header HTML and Header/Footer CSS areas.
    2. Body: format the body of your Applicant Portal page using the Global CSS Override area.
    3. Footer: format the bottom of your Applicant Portal page using the Footer HTML and Header/Footer CSS areas.
  6. When you're done making edits, click Save Changes.
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