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Resolving Common Errors in the Application Review tool



Application Review errors when trying to Submit Error: Update failed. First exception on row 0 with id <IDNUMBER>; first error: CANNOT_INSERT_UPDATE_ACTIVATE_ENTITY, TargetX_Reader_ApplicationReviewTrigger: execution of AfterUpdate caued by: TargetX_Reader.SecurityCheck.FLSException: TargetX_SRMb__Application__c.TargetX_Reader__Review_Status__c is not updateable. (TargetX_Reader) : []

Resolution: This error is due to permissions not being set correctly. Use the TargetX Permission Scanner to review user permissions and make the appropriate changes.
Bookmarks take users to the incorrect location.

Issue: Bookmarks are designed to take you to the very first instance of the found text. It will take you to the top of the page where the text is found; it will not auto-scroll down the page if the text is at the bottom of the page.

Bookmarks should have unique titles and should not be generated by uploaded documents nor populated by data on the profile page.

Note: Bookmarks are case-sensitive.

Resolution: Validate that your Bookmarks are unique.

Error when saving Application Reviews 

Error message: [{"statusCode":400,"type":"exception","tid":9,"ref":false,"action":"TargetX_Reader.sObjectRemote","method":"updateSObjects","message":"TargetX_Reader_Application_Review_c.LastActivityDate is not updateable...

Cause:  This error occurs when you enable Allow Activities on the Application Review object and a Related Task is set to Status = Complete. This error will not appear if the task Status = Not Started or In Progress when saving values in the reader.

Resolution:  Update your process to complete the Application Review first and then set the task to Completed after the review has been submitted.

Error when saving Application Reviews

Error Message: 

TargetX_Reader__Application_Review__c.LastActivityDate is not updateable.

Cause:  This error appears when the related task is set to Status = Complete. This error does not appear if the task Status = Not Started or In Progress when saving values in the reader.

Resolution:  Update your process to complete the Review first and then set the Task to Completed after the submitted review.

The user can't save an Application Review Issue: User gets the following error when attempting to save an Application Review "Error: Invalid Data. Review all error messages below to correct your data. Apex trigger TargetX_Reader.ApplicationReviewTrigger caused an unexpected exception, contact your administrator: TargetX_Reader.ApplicationReviewTrigger: execution of AfterUpdate caused by: System.DmlException: Update failed. First exception on row 0 with id a033a0000180BjmAAE; first error: INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS_OR_READONLY, insufficient access rights on object id: []: Class.TargetX_Reader.UpdateReviewStatusOnApplication.updateApplicationReviewStatus: line 48, column 1"

Resolution: This error is often due to the fact that the Account associated with the Contact is owned by an inactive user. Whenever inactive users own Accounts or Contacts, it can cause issues with permissions. Update the Account Owner, then have the user try to complete the review again.
The 'Read Application' button is unresponsive on Application Reviews Issue: The user clicks the Read Application button on an Application Review record, and the review never loads.

Cause: This is typically caused by an unsupported attachment being included on the Application.

Resolution: Review the student's Application record and verify the Attachment types are supported in the Application Review.
An error happened during document download.

This error can be caused by (1) erroneous attachments included in the application or (2) the Ordered By not being set correctly:

(1) Check for erroneous attachments in the Application: 

  1. Navigate to the Applications tab.
  2. Click the Application that is causing the error.
  3. Click on Related.
  4. Click to View All under Notes & Attachments.
  5. Review the list of attachments and verify they are all valid.
  6. Delete any attachments that should not be included in the application.
  7. Retry the Application Review.

(2) If you've designated an 'Order by' but did not designate Ascending or Descending, you can receive this error. To resolve: 

  1. Navigate to the Application Review Type you need to validate.
  2. Click the Basic Configuration Editor button.
  3. Click the Doc Definition tab.
  4. Review any document(s) listed for field listed in Sort Attachments By and verify it also has Choose Order populated.
  5. Add an Order by if none exists.
  6. Save any changes.
  7. Retry the Application Review.

sort attachments by screen

Chinese characters aren't displaying correctly in your Application Review Profile Page
  1. Download the CSS static resource file configured in your Application Review Type.
  2. Navigate to Setup and search for Static Resources.
  3. Open the CSS file in a text editor program.
  4. Locate the following:
 {{ font-family: Helvetica, sans-serif;}}
 {{ }}}
  1. Replace with:
 {{ font-family: Helvetica, Arial Unicode MS, sans-serif;}}
 {{ }}}
  1. Save the file.
  2. Click Edit on the Static Resource Salesforce record.
  3. Choose the file with new changes to upload.
  4. Click Save.

Visualforce Remoting Exception: User does not have access to read TargetX_Reader__Application_Cache__c

  1. Regenerate the Decision permission set.
  2. Ensure the User(s) have API Enabled in System Permissions:
    1. Navigate to Setup and search for Profiles.
    2. Click on the Profile that needs API access.
    3. Navigate to System Permission.
    4. Check the API Enabled checkbox.
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