Once you've created the time zones as custom settings, you must edit the picklist on the Organization Event object to make these new values available when creating events.
The Organization Events tab can be customized by updating the fieldset on the Organization Event object.
The fieldsets, and their default fields are specified in the table below:
Field Set |
Default Fields |
Attendee Totals |
Custom Questions |
Event Details |
For more information about these event preferences, please see the Preferences section of the article Creating and Updating Events.
Interview Details |
Travel Details |
To leverage new fields on the Organization Events, follow the steps below to add these new fields to your Organization Events calendar and page layout:
Note: If you are using Salesforce Lightning, go to Setup and, search for Object Manager, click label for the Organization Event object.
Click Save.
Custom Questions can be created for both event registrants and their guests. When creating custom questions for sub-events, be aware that registrants must answer the custom questions for each sub-event. Avoid repeating custom questions where possible to avoid confusing or frustrating the registrant.
Note: Fields will be displayed in a 2-column layout, and consecutive entries in the vertical list will show in alternating columns. There is no way to insert a blank space.
If you wish to update other sections, you can do so using the same steps above, selecting a different section of the Events Page in step 3.
DISCLAIMER: This CSS tag is not supported or maintained by TargetX and is meant as an example of how you may choose to use CSS within our products. Some or all of the customizations these tags provide may change or no longer apply to your instance at any time. If the CSS impedes expected functionality in the TargetX product at any time, we recommend you remove the CSS to regain functionality.
label[for="type"]:after {content:'\00a0(Not including student) '}
You can edit the text displayed by updating the text within the ( ).
Note: Custom CSS and Javascript will apply to all pages. Separate CSS or Javascript on a page-by-page setting is not available.
Note: This checkbox only needs to be selected on the PRIMARY event.
If an event has a limited number of attendees, including guests, then Events will automatically create a registration waitlist unless the event preferences are configured to disallow a waitlist. If an event is at capacity and a waitlist has not been activated, the event will be removed from the Event Organization Calendar or list of Organization Events.
Events with wait lists can be handled in different ways depending on how it has been configured:
If an event has an opening, Events scans the waitlist and finds the first group with several members that will fit into the space. Example: If a group of three - the registered individual and her two guests - cancels, Events scans the waitlist, finds the first group of three or smaller, and automatically confirms them to the Event, sending the Off Waitlist email. If the group Events finds only has two members (i.e., the registrant and his sole guest), then Events re-scans the waitlist, looking for a single person to fill the remaining slot.
Occasionally, a person on the waitlist misses the notification that they have been confirmed, resulting in unused attendance slots. To prevent this, use the Email Wait list Promotion checkbox. If the Email Waitlist Checkbox is checked, Events will email the registrant for all the appropriately sized groups (or smaller) on the waitlist to complete the registration process. The first group to complete the registration process gets the slots.
Paid events are always treated as if the Email Waitlist Promotion checkbox is checked. When an event has an opening, and that Event has an associated fee, every registrant on the waitlist is emailed, inviting them to register for the Event. The open slot(s) will be awarded to the person or group that completes the registration, including fee payment, first.
Once the discount code is saved in the system, it will then be able to be used by registrants during the registration process by entering the specified code into the Discount Code field and clicking Apply to apply the code. Once the code is applied, the discount appears beneath the legal terms on the registration page.
Field Name |
Field Description |
Discount Name |
The name of the discount. |
Discount Type |
Determines whether the discount will deduct a percentage from the cost or a defined dollar amount. |
Discount Amount |
The value of the discount code (in percent or monetary value). |
Discount Code |
The value the user will enter to apply the discount. |
Event |
The name of the event for which the discount will apply. |
Owner |
The name/title of the creator/owner of the discount. |
Apply to Cart |
Determines whether this code applies to the event's price or the entire cart. |
Per Person |
Does this discount apply only once, or for each person? Note: You cannot use a percentage discount per person. |
Discount Open |
The date the discount code will become usable. |
Discount Close |
The date that the discount code ceases to be usable. |
TargetX Events module allows you to associate an Event with a single Account or group of Accounts. Data from this Event is then added to the Related Visits related list on the Account record so that you will have a log of visits or other Events that have taken place at that Account or that have involved that Account in some way.
You can use the Next School Visit Trigger (Next Event Trigger) to prevent users from having to scan through all Events in the Related Visits related list. This trigger will check all Events in the related list and find the soonest Event that is not canceled. Once it finds the Event, it will pull data into the following fields on the Account record:
Note: These fields reflect information for the earliest Event that is not canceled. If a new Event is created before others already scheduled for the Account, the values will be updated to reflect the new, earliest Event. Once the Event reflected in these fields passes, data for the next soonest Event will populate.
To activate and schedule the Next School Visit trigger, you must enable it from Custom Settings for Events.
The Next School Visit Trigger operates differently depending on whether you have your Event attached to a single Account, to multiple Accounts through a Travel Group, or to both a single Account and a Travel Group.
If an Event is only associated with a single Account and not with a Travel Group.
The Event will appear in the Related Visits related list for that single Account.
If an Event is associated with a Travel Group only and not a single Account
The Event will appear in the Related Visits related list for the Travel Group.
If an Event is associated with a single Account and a Travel Group.
The Event will only appear in the Related Visits related list for the single Account.
To create a report featuring the Next School Visit Trigger fields, select the report Type of Contacts with Contact Schedule Item with Organization Event. The fields of Next Event Date, Next Event Date Time, Next Event Name, and Next Event Time will allow you to filter for your desired result. These fields are in the Account object under the Account Custom Fields & Relationships section.
Note: Currently, the Event Owner and Event Type are NOT rolled up to the Account Object. If you attempt to write a report for the use case of sending an email campaign to students who belong to the Account of the related Event, you will not be able to pull the Event Owner and Event Type into your report. Until this is allowed, you will want to remain consistent in your naming conventions of Event Name (i.e., ABC High School Visit) if you are attempting to pull only high school visit types. In addition, it is recommended that the Contact Owner match the Event Owner for the same reason. In this way, you can filter your report on ‘Next Event Name’ containing ‘school visit’ and ‘Event Owner Name’ containing ‘Name of Recruiter.’
Events Keywords allow you to add specific values to your events to filter and report on your Organization Events.
Keywords can be selected based on a defined list of values. You can edit the available Keywords as follows:
Once you’ve defined permissions and updated the list of Keyword values, you’re ready to add Keywords to your Organization Events:
Once you’ve added Keywords to your Events, you can share a link that includes the Keyword if you want to direct users to a specific set of events. Add the following parameter to your Events url:
#/calendar?keyword=<<Keyword picklist value>>
For example:
For more information on using URL parameters to display Events, see Limiting which events display to registrants using URL parameters.