Creating and Updating Events

Use the Event Setup Guide for a detailed guide on creating events.

Creating/Editing an Event from the Organization Calendar

  1. Select the Events application from the application picker in the top right corner.
  2. Click the Organization Calendar tab.
    • To Create a New Event: Click the Create Event button at the top left of the calendar, or double-click any date on the calendar.
    • To Edit an Event: Click on the Event Name in the Calendar for the Event you wish to edit.

 Creating/Editing an Event from the Organization Events tab

  1. Select the Events application from the application picker in the top right corner.
  2. Click the Organization Events tab.
    • To Create a new Event: Click the New button.
    • To Edit an Event: Click on the Event Name for the Event you wish to edit and then click the Edit button.

The following details in General Information need to be completed with each new event created in the system:

The page for creating events has seven sections, General Information, Preferences, Email Messages, Custom Questions, Travel Details, and Notes. For details on each section and the fields available, see Event Details.

Once an event has been created/saved, additional related lists become visible:

For more information on creating multi-session events, see the article: Creating Multi Session Events.

Understanding Public and Private Events

To make an event private, ensure the Public checkbox in the Preferences section is unchecked.  Clearing this checkbox prevents events from appearing when Events users search the Events Calendars. If an event is Private, it will not appear in any searches.  The only way to get to the event registration page is to send the registration page URL, typically via email, to those you wish to attend.

For instructions on how to build and embed the event registration page URL in a broadcast email, see How To Get Event-Specific URL and Creating an HTML Email and How do I limit which events display to registrants using URL parameters?

Adding Notes to an Event

Use the Notes section to place any notes regarding the event.  To write a note, click the triangle to open the Notes field (indicated by a red arrow below), then type the note in the text editor and click Save.

Event notes screen

Cloning an Event

Events provide the ability to clone events both independently (using the Clone button) or to clone a parent Event and all corresponding child events (using the Clone with Children button).

Deleting an Event

You can delete an Event either from the Event Edit page or the Event Detail page. Click the Delete button and confirm to delete the Event.

Deleting an Event that is Part of a Series 

If the event you attempt to delete is part of a series, you will be presented with the same three options described above.

Note: If you are canceling an event that has registrants, we recommend marking the event "Canceled" to retain registration information for the affected registrants.

Configuring Events Nearby

To ensure that the Events Nearby search functionality works, the Google Maps API Key must be populated with a valid API key: 

  1. Navigate to Events Custom Settings.
  2. Click the Edit button to add the Google Maps API Key.
  3. Once you add the Google Maps API KeySave your changes.

Setting Up Events Nearby (Locations)

To use the Events Nearby (Locations) feature in Events 6.x and higher, a Google API key is needed. This key also needs to be set in the default base custom settings. Additionally, a remote site setting is needed for This allows the geolocations for each address to automatically populate so that Google Map API can correctly determine the distance between the current location and the event location. 

Step 1: Configure Events Custom Settings 

For more information about Events Custom Settings, see Custom Settings for Events.

  1. Use the following instructions to configure Events custom settings and navigate to the Events Settings page:
    1. Copy your Salesforce URL, up and including the .com


  1. Append your Salesforce URL with /apex/targetx_eventsb__eventssettings


  1. Under the Advanced Options section, confirm the following Events Settings are defined based on your institutional preferences; see below for details on each setting: 
  • Number of Featured Events Displayed 
  • Use Location Lookup 
  • Google Maps Geocoding API Key (the Google Maps API Key must also be entered in TargetX CRM Base Settings).
  • Header Logo URL 
  • The number of Featured Events Displayed (Number Field) Indicates the maximum number of Featured Events that will appear in the Featured Events Carousel.  

    Featured Events example

Events will rotate through the Featured Events carousel starting with the current date forward, showing no more than the number defined in this setting.

  1. The default Number of Features Events Displayed is four (4) - if this custom setting field is left blank.
  2. TargetX recommends setting the Number of Featured Events Displayed between two (2) and five (5) Featured Events.
  3. To avoid or set the Number of Features Events no larger than twenty (20)
  4. Do not set the Number of Featured Events Displayed higher than twenty (20) - to ensure proper display to students.
  • Use Location Lookup (Checkbox) If checked, Events can be filtered and searched for using the Location lookup object, which supports geolocation searches. Use of this feature requires that your institution obtain a Google Maps Geocoding API Key to function properly. 

Note: If Location Lookup is checked, Events will no longer use the Location picklist field on the Organization Event object when filtering or searching for events. Existing event URLs that use the Location picklist field will not work unless a matching Location record is created in the Location object. 

For more information on how to use and create Locations, please see Location Lookup Object. 

  • Google Maps API Key (String Field) Supports populating geolocation information related to event locations (Latitude & Longitude) and the new Nearby Events search functionality. To use this feature, you must have a valid Google Maps Geocoding API Key from Google.


To obtain a Google Maps Geocoding API Key from Google, follow the steps in the article: Configuring Google Maps API Key


  • Events leverage the Standard API Keys (not Premium API Keys).
  • Please copy this Google Maps API Key to a safe location. You will use this Google Maps API Key in a subsequent step.
  • Header Logo URL (String Field) This URL will redirect students to the specified website when they click the Header Logo Image.
  1. Upon completing the Advanced Options settings, Save your changes.
Step 2: Configure TargetX CRM Base Settings 

To complete the configuration of the new Events Nearby search functionality, you must update the Google Maps Geocoding API Key in the TargetX CRM Base Settings. This will ensure your Location records can get geolocation information (latitude, longitude) any time Location records are inserted or updated with new address information.

  1. Navigate to Setup and search for Custom Settings.
  2. Click Manage next to the TargetX CRM Base Settings.
  3. Click Edit next to the Default custom setting.
  4. Add your Google Maps Geocoding API Key and Save your changes.
Step 3: Configure Remote Site Setting for Google Maps Geocoding API 
  1. Navigate to Setup and search for Remote Site Settings.
  2. Click New Remote Site.
  3. Enter the following:
  1. Select Save.

Creating a One-time Event

  1. Click the Organization Events tab.
  2. Click the New button.
  3. Set up the General Information about the event, including name, description, classification, time and date. For descriptions of each field available, see Event Details.
  4. Select the appropriate category and type.

Note: You can provide a specific calendar color to the event to make it easy to identify on your internal calendar.

  1. Since this event only occurs a single time, Leave the recurring event? checkbox unchecked.
  2. Validate the time zone option to ensure this reflects the area in which the event is being held.
  3. Update any Preferences for the Event for items such as Event Cost, Max Attendees, etc. For descriptions of each available Preference, see Event Details.

Note: If you're creating a public event, when you Save, the event is published to your event site. If you're not ready for the event to be public, uncheck the Public checkbox and then re-check when you're good to go.

  1. Save the Event.

Once you save the event, you'll see that there's now a Registration Link available beneath the time zone setting. The link is only available after the event has been saved.

Creating an Invitation-Only Event

When events reference an Invitee Campaign, members of that campaign are considered to be invited to the event. As Invitees, the members of the Invitee Campaign will be able to see the event on the Events search page. Reports and search functions are available to keep your campaign membership current.

Note: You can NOT set Sub-Events as 'Invitation only.'

For example, you may hold an Admitted Students Open House and only want admitted applicants to see the event on your site. While you can make the event private and send the Event Specific Registration link in an email, you can also use the Invited Event feature to limit visibility to only those in the invitation campaign.

  1. Create a Campaign for your event invitations. Ex: Open House Event Invite
  2. Add members to your campaign by way of a report or via search.
    1. To add Campaign Members via Reports, please see Salesforce Help & Training article Add Campaign Members from Reports.

    2. To add Campaign Members via Campaign "Manage Members" Button:

      1. Click on the Campaigns Tab.
      2. Select the record of the Campaign that you would like to add members to. This will bring you to the Campaign Detail page.
      3. In Classic, this will bring you to the Campaign Detail page. Click the Manage Members button.
        • Select how you would like to Add Members, either by searching or by importing them.

      4. In Lightning, select the Related tab and locate the Campaign Members related list. 

        • Select to Add Leads or Add Students to add additional Member Status Values.

      5. Note: If you choose to import, select Update & Add Campaign Members - Import File and then Update & Add Campaign Members to import the members as contacts rather than leads. 

      6. After you have created the member list, click Add with Status and choose a status of None.

  3. Create your Event record and search for your campaign in the Invitee Campaign field on the event.
  4. Check the Public checkbox. 
  5. Check the Invite Only checkbox. This prevents users who are not 'Invited' from seeing the event.
  6. Save your changes.

For someone to register for an Invite-only Event, the event must be marked 'Public.' They won't be able to register for the event if it is not Public. 


  1. You can manually add an invited student to an event using the New Invitation button.
  2. You must email the invited students an Event-Specific URL  so your invitees can register for the event. Invitees must be authenticated to register for the event.

Event-Specific URL format:

https://<EVENTS SITE URL>/TargetX_Eventsb__events#/esr?eid={!TargetX_Eventsb__OrgEvent__c.Id}&cid={!Contact.Id}&k={!Contact.TargetX_Base__Access_Key__c}

  1. Until invited students register, the event is available in their invited list on your event's site:

invited option on Events site

Reporting on Invitation-only Registrations 

You can use the TargetX Delivered reportEvents Attendees, next 30 days to report your Invitation-only events and the status of Invitees. Customize the report by adding a filter on Event Type =  <User Defined> or any additional filters that meet your business needs.

Configuring Recurring Events

When you select the Recurring Event checkbox, the "Recurring Event Details" section appears. You will need to activate Allow Activities on the Organization Event object in order for recurring events to work correctly.​

  1. Navigate to Setup and select Object Manager.
  2. Click the Organization Event object.
  3. Select Edit.
  4. Under the Optional Features section, click the checkbox for Allow Activities.
  5. Save your changes.

Note: a recurrence can only be set up during the initial creation of a new event. You will not be presented with this option while editing an existing event.  You can edit recurring events as single standalone dates or as a recurrence.

Note: You can specify the following maximum occurrences for a recurring event:  Daily: 100Weekly: 53Monthly: 60Yearly: 10.

Creating Multi-Session Events

Events allow users to create child events, or sub-events, of a primary parent event. While sub-events are linked to the primary event during the registration process, they are distinct events that allow users to specify separate registrants for each sub-event and include custom questions specific to the sub-event.

Designating Sub Events 

  1. Navigate to the App Picker in the top right and select Events
  2. Click Create Event
  3. Under the Preferences section, click the lookup icon next to the Primary Event field
  4. Select the corresponding Primary Event


  • At registration, sub-events appear in a collapsible list underneath the primary event. Sub-events may only be selected during registration if the corresponding primary event is not currently in a "wait list" status due to the event being full. 
  • There is no limit to the number of sub-events that can be created.
  • To prevent students from registering for multiple sub-events, see Preventing students from registering for multiple sub-events at the same time.

Important Notes Regarding Sub-Event Functionality 

Except as detailed below, Sub Event functionality is identical to all other events.

Public Facing  
  • Sub-events do not appear as Featured Events.
  • Sub-events MUST be marked Public for registrants to be able to select them (even if the Parent event is NOT Public).
  • The overlap between a sub-event and its primary event is not treated as a conflict, regardless of whether "Allow Overlap" is selected in Event Preferences.
  • If a registrant cancels their registration for a primary event, all related sub-event registrations for them will be automatically canceled. A notification will appear to the registrant before confirming the cancellation.
  • If a child object matches the search criteria on the Events Plus page, the related primary event will appear in the search results.
Internal Only 
  • Sub-events do not appear in the Organization Calendar but will appear in the Organization Events list.
  • Sub-events MUST be marked Public for registrants to be able to select them (even if the Parent event is NOT Public).
  • Sub-events will appear on the "Sub Events" related list on the primary event's Event Detail page.
  • Sub-events that require payment will allow the specification of "Max Attendees" but do not allow for the specification of a waitlist.

Note: Free sub-events (and all primary events, regardless of cost) support a waitlist.

  • If an internal user cancels a primary event, all related sub-events will be automatically canceled.
  • The registration link on the sub-events Event Detail Page will point to the Event Specific Registration for the corresponding primary event. 
  • ​Sub-events can NOT be set up as 'recurring' events.

Editing an Event that is Part of a Series 

If the event you are editing is part of a series, that is, a sub-event or primary event, your options will differ depending on whether you change the event date.

Changing the Date: If you change the date of an event that is part of a series, it will not remain. You will be presented with a dialog box explaining this when you click the Save button. Choose OK to save your changes and remove this event from the series.

Note: Changing the time of a recurring event does not remove it from the series.

Keeping the Same Date: If the event you are updating is part of a series and you do not change its date, you will have three options when you click the Save button.

Only This Event: This option will save the changes you made to this event and this event only. All other events in the event series will remain unchanged. NOTE: If you choose this option, your edited event will be removed from the series. It becomes a standalone event, and future edits to other events in the series will not impact this event.

Update All Events: This option will apply your changes to every event in this series.

Update Following Events: This option will apply your changes to the event you have edited and any events in the series that occur after the event you are editing. Events in the series that occur before this one will remain unchanged. All events will continue to be a part of the series.

Creating Events for High School or Group Fairs

  1. Create an Event.
  2. If your event is related to a school or group of schools, scroll to the Travel Details section.
  3. Enter the first part of the name in the School field or Travel Group field and click the magnifying glass to search for matching accounts.
  4. Select the appropriate account to associate.

Note: The group must be defined in the Travel Group object before you create an event to plan a visit to the group.

Travel Groups 

To create a Travel Group:

  1. Click the Travel Groups tab.
  2. Give your Travel Group a Name and Description if desired.
  3. Search for the Accounts/Schools that should be associated with this group.
  4. Add Schools using the green Plus Sign.
  5. Click Save.