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[Technical Alert] May and June TX Forms Issue and Base Package Hot Fix

We have identified an issue in both the May and June versions of TX Forms, which is a part of the Base package.  While we do not believe you are currently impacted by this issue,  your organization has installed one of these packages in either the Sandbox or Production.

A hot fix is now available for the June version, and the July package (expected on July 9) will also contain the same fix. If you have the May or June package installed, you will need to install one of these updated packages.

The issue can be seen when using an Application Form Type and matching criteria on both Contact and Application, as field matching is not honoring the Contact Name or Contact ID fields to match to the correct Contact. This may cause the Application to match incorrectly to another user's record.

If you have installed May or June in a Sandbox, you will not be able to install the same package in Production. If you have installed one of these in Production, your org is at risk of impact until you have installed the June hot fix or July package, as a form may be configured to use this type of matching. You will need to install the hot fix, or July package prior to configuring matching for Application Forms via TargetX Forms to prevent this issue from impacting your organization.

If you are a Premier Services client, you may submit a request for your org to be updated to one of these packages, or to discuss the necessity of this upgrade with the Premier team.

If you have any questions regarding this update, please reach out to Support via a Case in the TargetX User Community.

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