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June '24 Release Notes

This release includes defect fixes for Applicant Dashboard, Events, Online Application, Payment Connector, Portal, and TX Forms.

Note: A hotfix for the June '24 Base package was released on 7/2/24.

TargetX Enhancements

TargetX Resolved Defects

Applicant Dashboard (Version 2406.0)

  • (CL-1463) The confirmation window for Pay by Mail has the correct title. Previously, it was titled Pay by Check.

Events (Version 2406.1)

  • PD-6564) You cannot click the Registration button on Events TX Forms more than once. Previously, if you clicked the Registration button twice while trying to sign up for an event using a TX Form, it displayed an error even though the registration continued normally.
  • (PD-6560) The School Picker displays correctly in Events TX Forms featuring repeatable sections. Previously, it displayed a longer picklist than usual.

Online Application (Version 2406.0)

  • (PD-1458) Autocomplete lookup questions display the applicant’s selection in Print Preview. Previously, these questions would appear blank and generate console errors.

Payment Connector (Version 2406.0)

  • (CL-2147) You can submit an Application Fee or Enrollment Deposit without encountering errors, even for Application Forms with a lengthy Application Type value. Previously, such forms caused a console error during the payment process.

Portal (Base Version 2406.0)

  • (CL-2148) Alt Text for images added to Portals appears when you hover over the image. Previously, Alt Text for images was not displayed.

Recruitment Manager (Version 2406.0)

  • (CL-1443) The Deposit Amount field on the Application object has been updated to a (5,2) format, allowing students to submit enrollment deposits up to seven digits in total, including two decimal places. Previously, this field was restricted to four digits before the decimal point.

TX Forms (Base Version 2406.0)

  • (PD-6559) When a student uses the reset button for a repeated section, the text area character count resets correctly. Previously, the text area character count did not reset until the student began typing in it again.
  • (PD-6561) You can add Repeatable sections with Visibility Conditions dependent on a Boolean field without error. Previously, for repeatable sections with visibility conditions dependent on a Boolean field, the builder sometimes crashed when attempting to add another record.
  • (PD-6563) Option groups display correctly in the TX Form Builder. Previously, when a picklist was assigned to a field on one object, and option groups were introduced based on a field from a different object as criteria, the criteria for the option groups would not appear until a question related to the first object was chosen.

June '24 Hotfix

TX Forms (Base Version 2407.10)

  • (CL-2192) Application Form Types with matching criteria on both Contact and Application match records correctly. Previously, using an Application Form Type and matching criteria on both Contact and Application did not match using the Contact Name or Contact ID fields to match the correct Contact records.

Upgrade Instructions  

For Upgrade instructions, select Upgrade Guides from the TargetX User Community.

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