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Generating and Assigning Faculty Early Alerts Permission sets

  1. ​Navigate to the Permission Scanner tab.
  2. Select the Product/Feature = Faculty Early Alerts (Admin) and Version = <version of Retention you installed>.
  3. Select the checkbox for Use @Future to generate a Permission Set if you want to have the process run in the background. 
  4. Click the Generate Permission Set button.
  5. Repeat for Product/Feature = Faculty Early Alerts (Faculty).
  6. Repeat for Product/Feature = Faculty Early Alerts (Advisor).
  7. Repeat for Product/Feature = Faculty Early Alerts (Admin).

Assign Faculty Early Alert (Admin) Permission Set

Users that need to be able to access Faculty Early Alert Settings must have the Faculty Early Alerts (Admin) permission set assigned:

  1. Navigate to Setup and search for User
  2. Click the User(s) that need to be able to access Faculty Early Alert Settings.
  3. Navigate to the Permission Set Assignments section.
  4. Select Edit Assignments.
  5. Click the Faculty Early Alerts (Admin) Permission Set from the Available Permission Sets list and select Add.
  6. Save your changes.

Assign Faculty Early Alert (Advisor) Permission Set

Advisors that need to be able to View and Close Faculty Early Alerts must have the Faculty Early Alerts (Advisor) permission set assigned:

  1. Navigate to Setup and search for User
  2. Click the User(s) that must be able to Close Faculty Early Alerts.
  3. Navigate to the Permission Set Assignments section.
  4. Select Edit Assignments.
  5. Click the Faculty Early Alerts (Advisor) Permission Set from the Available Permission Sets list and select Add.
  6. Save your changes.


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