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Importing UChat data into your CRM

Step 1: Export data from UChat

To export data on Prospects or Team members, use the Reports option. To export data related to Students, use the Students option.

Reports option

The Reports option allows you to view/export activity of Prospects using the Prospects tab. You can also export data on Team members, such as the # of questions answered, comments made, time to respond, etc. using the Team tab.

  1. Login to UChat.
  2. Click on Reports menu option.
  3. Choose either the Prospects tab or the Team tab.
  4. Adjust the Created From dates to display the time period you wish to export.
  5. Click Download CSV and select a location to save the file.

Students option

The Students option allows you to view/export a list of Students with Name, Email, Phone, Prospect Type and Join Date.

  1. Login to UChat.
  2. Click on Students menu option.
  3. Adjust the Created From dates to display the time period you wish to export.
  4. Click Download CSV and select a location to save the file.

Step 2: Import data into your CRM

You can import the data into your CRM in several ways. The examples below outline how to  use Dataloader or Informatica. The specific steps for your import will depend on your institutions business practices and preferred upload tool.

Import data using Dataloader

  1. Remove any records from your file that are NOT students.
  2. Optional: Add a column in your file for Source with a value of UChat. 

Note: By including a 'Source', you will be able to map to the Source field on the Contact object to capture source data. The Lead Source field on the contact object will be set automatically if the contact was created for the first time from UChat.

  1. Launch Dataloader. If you need to install DataLoader, follow the steps outlined in: Installing Dataloader.
  2. Click on the Upsert option.
  3. Select OAuth option.
  4. Select either the Production or Sandbox option.
  5. Enter your credentials and select Login.
  6. Select Next.
  7. Select the Object where you wish to import the data and choose your CSV file.
  8. Select Next, a pop-up will appear with the number of records that will be imported.
  9. Follow the steps in the wizard to map and import your data. Choose to match on Email, so that when Email matches, the record will be Updated instead of a new record created.


Import data using Informatica

  1. Remove any records from your file that are NOT students.
  2. Optional: Add a column in your file for Source with a value of UChat.

Note: By including a 'Source', you will be able to map to the Source field on the Contact object to capture source data. The Lead Source field on the contact object will be set automatically if the contact was created for the first time from UChat.

  1. Upload your CSV file.
  2. Setup your mappings.
  3. Create a Task Flow.
  4. Run the Task Flow.
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