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Working with To-do's

To-do Overview

To-do’s are tasks or reminders you can set for yourself or other reps directly in EMP.  They can be integrated into a campaign to ensure that tasks are automatically generated and assigned when necessary, reducing the reliance on manual intervention and minimizing the risk of oversight or delay.

Creating a To-do Via the Calendar

  1. Enter the Calendar via the top navigation bar.
  2. Click New To-do in the top right corner of the calendar page (or click on a date in the calendar) and then Add To-do.
  3. Configure the task.

EMP_To Do In Calendar.png

Editing a To-do in the Calendar

  1. ​Once on the Calendar page, click the To-do that you want to edit.
  2. Click Edit on the To-do window.
  3. Make your changes and click Save.

​Viewing a To-do in the Calendar

On the calendar page, you can view Completed and Incomplete To-dos for yourself or other reps using the provided filters.

Creating a To-do Via the To-do Module

  1. In the top navigation bar, click Account, then To-dos.
  2. Click Add To-Do to open the To-do creation window.
  3. Indicate the due date.
  4. Click the drop-down menu to assign the To-do to a rep.
  5. Write a description of the task or reminder.
  6. Click the tag icon to add a Label to the To-do.

Use the filters to search for a specific To-do.

Viewing a To-do in the To-do Module

On the To-do Module page, you have various options for filtering your tasks, enabling you to easily pinpoint and complete incomplete To-dos.

Editing a To-do

Click the edit pencil to update information for that specific to-do such as content, due date and assigned to.

Completing To-dos Individually

Check the Complete box next to a To-do.

Completing To-dos in Batch

After filtering the list of to-do's, click Complete Filtered To-dos. This action adds a checkmark to the to-do's corresponding Complete box. 

Overdue To-do's

If a To-do has not been completed by the due date, a reminder will appear on the Dashboard. Click Overdue To-do's to be directed to your user page where you can view any incomplete To-do's.

Overdue To Dos button on Dashboard.

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