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Working with Touch-points

Touch-points Overview

A Touch-point is any time a student interacts with you; for example, through a form fill or an advertisement, a meeting during travel, a phone call, etc.  You can track these interactions through Touch-points.

Creating a Touch-point

  1. In the top navigation bar, click Account, then EMP Settings, then Touch-points
  2. Click New Touch-point.
  3. Add the type of Touch-point (e.g., phone call, campus visit, etc.). 
  4. Assign the Touch-point a value. This value can be a positive or negative number. The value will be added to the student's overall score and is helpful if you use EMP's scoring feature. 
  5. Check the box next to the groups who can access the touch-point.
  6. Click Save.

Editing a Touch-point

Click the edit pencil next to the Touch-point to update the information.

Deleting a Touch-point

Click the trash can icon next to the Touch-point to remove it from EMP.

Manually Adding a Touch-point to a Student Record

  1. Navigate to the student record.
  2. Click the Actions drop-down menu.
  3. Select Add Touch-point.
  4. Choose the touch-point from the drop-down menu and add a comment describing it, if necessary.
  5. Click Save.

The student's timeline is updated with the touch-point and indicates the date and the rep who added it. 

Adding Touch-points in Batch

Adding a touch-point in batch is an efficient way to update a large student population. For example, suppose you want to add a touch-point to all of the students you met at a college fair. Updating touch-points in batch can be done through a Group Action. In this example, import a list of prospective students you met while recruiting, create a group based on the imported list, and attach that list to the group action. Following the steps to complete the group action, you'll add the touch-point to all of the students in your group. 

Importing Touch-points

Begin by following the steps to import a list to EMP. 

When you import your file, map the File field that contains the touch-point information to the matching touch-point in the EMP field. Under Update Rules, you can choose to either:

  • Add Touch-point only if the student does not already have it, which mean the student receives the touch-point only if they do not currently possess it.
  • Add Touch-point regardless of whether the student already has one, which means the student will receive the touch-point again even if they already have it.

Importing a TouchPoint.


Exporting Touch-points

Follow the steps for exporting data from EMP.  

When creating your export, check the box next to Touch-points for these students under the Include additional files section.

Touchpoints check box on the Exports page.

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