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Displaying Details of Review in Application Summary

Outcomes allows you to create Evaluation Forms to capture the results of your reviews. By default, review results are displayed on the Review Tab of each application. With the advanced configuration detailed below, you can also display review information (including the reviewer's name, review date, and decision) in the Application Summary.

To do so, you'll customize the Application Summary, adding a Calculated Field. The Calculated Field will include a JavaScript code snippet that pulls in the needed information from the review.

Modifying the Application Summary

To begin, you'll need to customize the Application Summary. From the Application Summary editor:

  1. Drag the Custom field from the Available Fields menu to the Summary Fields window.

  2. In the Add Expression window, give the field a name using the Label field. You can also use the Hide Label In Application View checkbox to determine if you want this label to be displayed.
  3. Copy and paste the code snippet below into the Custom Expression field.
  let evals = phases?.EvaluationPhaseName?.evaluations;

  if(evals.length == 0) return "";

  evals.sort( (a,b) => {
    if(a.dateUserUpdated > b.dateUserUpdated) return 1;  // if a newer than b, then move to back
    else if (a.dateUserUpdated < b.dateUserUpdated) return -1;  // if a older than b, then move to front
    else return 0;  // same. leave as is

  var table = [];

  for(var eval of evals) {

    let admissionsDecision = eval.form.admissionsDecision;
    admissionsDecision += (eval.form.term) ? ' (' + eval.form.term + ')' : '';
    let utcTime = new Date(eval.dateUserUpdated)
    let localTime = new Date( utcTime.getTime() + (-10 * 60 * 60 * 1000));
    let localTimeString = localTime.getFullYear() + '-'
    localTimeString += (localTime.getMonth() + 1 < 10) ? '0' : '';
    localTimeString += (localTime.getMonth() + 1) + '-';
    localTimeString += (localTime.getDate() < 10) ? '0' : '';
    localTimeString += localTime.getDate();

    let reviewerName = eval.userFirstName  + ' ' + eval.userLastName;
    table.push( {
      'Initials': reviewerName,
      'Decision': admissionsDecision,
      'Date': localTimeString,

  return table;

  1. Next, you'll need to adjust the variable in this code so that it will work with your data. To do so, remove EvaluationPhaseName from the first line of code, replacing it with the Phase Key that your review is associated with.

    Replacing the Phase key in the expression
  2. Click Update to save the custom field.
  3. Arrange the field as desired, along with any other fields you want to include in your Application Summary. Click Save Changes to keep your settings.
Finding the Phase Key

To successfully modify the code, you'll need to find the appropriate Phase key. To find this:

  1. Go to the Phases section of the Settings Menu.
  2. Click the edit pencil to work with the available Phases.
  3. Locate and click the Phase that your review is associated with.
  4. From the Edit Phase page, locate the Key.

  5. This is the key you'll use to update the code above. For example, using the key from the screenshot above, you would update your code to: let evals = phases?.admissionsReviewCommittee?.evaluations;

With this in place, your review information should now appear in your Application Summary.
