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Email Resolved Defects

To view Release Notes, see Email Release Notes

July 2024

Back-end defect corrections (no package update required)

  • (CL-2196) Condition sets using a number field with a blank or null value send correctly in an Email Broadcast. Previously, condition sets that used a number field with a blank or null value would prevent an Email Broadcast from sending.

June 2023

Version 2306.4

  • (CL-1892) The TestEmailContent field on the Contact/Student object has been updated to remove the formula. Previously, the formula in this field contained an unnecessary test message.
  • (CL-1918) Images that are part of a Condition Set now display in emails. Previously, images that were part of a Condition Set were only displayed in emails that met the first Condition Set.

May 2023

Version 2305.1

  • (CL-1285) You can now build Condition Sets based on all fields. Previously, users were limited to fields based on their permissions.
  • (PD-5400) If text fields and Advanced Expressions are left blank in an Email condition, they will be auto-populated with a NULL value. Previously, conditions with a blank value caused broadcasts and test messages to fail.

April 2023

Version 2304.5

  • (CL-1793) The legacy email builder no longer includes calls to deprecated API versions. Previously, the legacy builder contained calls to deprecated API versions.

November 2022 

Version 2211.5

  • (CL-1763) The URL scanner identified URLs that should be updated for Enhanced Domains, but the updated URL values could be incorrect. In the audit tool, this displayed erroneous updates.
  • (CL-1764, CL-1768) Social Share icons were not working properly in Email Templates.

October 2022

Version 2210.1

  • (CL-1746) The Enhanced Domains audit scan for Email templates sometimes throws the error ‘Apex CPU time limit exceeded’.

July 2022

Version 2207.1

Package Update

  • (CL-920) The Email Template Builder was displaying vertically stacked images very small when Previewing and Sending.

Back-end update (no package update required)

  • (CL-1598) The Email footer contained extra commas when address fields were blank.
  • (PD-2302) Users received an error when opting-out if they weren’t part of an Email Group.

February 2022

Version 2202.0

  • (CL-1549) Salesforce Files would sometimes not display in the Email Template builder.
  • (PD-117) When selecting Fonts in Email Template Builder, several fonts were duplicated in the list.

December 2021

Version 2112.1

  • (CL-1522) The EBM Bulk Load job failed with the error ‘Too Many Query Rows’.

November 2021 

Version 2111.7

  • (CL-1402) Users were getting errors when building or scheduling Email Campaigns if their Locale was set to German/Austria or Hungary/Hungarian.
  • (PD-3739) Alt text on Image and Captioned Image widgets wasn’t working properly.
  • (PD-3003) Tooltips are now available so that Users can easily view the Name and Description for Campaigns, Templates and Recipient lists that don’t fit in XBuilder list views.

October 2021

Back-end update (no package update required)

  • (PD-960) The Update Profile functionality in the Email footer was not working. The recipient should be allowed to change Email, First Name, Last Name. Update my information link should work for Lead, Contact, Relationship V1 (i.e. parent). Two activities are recorded: 
    • On page load we record ‘Profile View’ and 
    • On save we record ‘Profile Update’

September 2021

Version 2109.8

  • (PD-3191) A validation has been added on Vanity Names (From Name and Reply Name) in the campaign scheduler section of the TargetX Builder. Users will now see an error on clicking Next if there is a comma or semicolon in the Vanity Name.
  • (PD-3554) Sort functionality on the columns Next Broadcast and Last Broadcast were not working in the Campaign List View

July 2021

Version 2107.0

  • (CL-1370) Email templates created before a Node Change were not displaying images properly.

December 2020

Version 2012.7

  • (PD-2782) Some icons were misaligned in the Campaign and Query UI.
  • (PD-2797) Date and Date Time fields in template conditions would blank out values when saved.
  • (PD-2815) Users were unable to close the Condition Set modal after making a new template, saving, then reopening condition set modal.

November 2020

Version 2011.2

  • (CL-859) Image Links in the Legacy Email Template Builder were broken due to the Salesforce Critical Update.
  • (CL-722) Certain Orgs in Lightning did not allow the old Email Builder to access images.

October 2020

Version 2010.2

  • (CL--929) Facebook links in the Social Media panel were incorrect.

September 2020

Version 2009.4

  • (PD-968/CL-109) Users were unable to search the Campaign List on Description or Owner.

August 2020

Version 2008.1

  • (CL-192) When using a 2-column section in an Email Template, the vertical alignment was not displaying as expected.
  • (PD-122) Condition Set Criteria required a value to be entered; users could not add criteria where field values were Null.

April 2020

Version 2004.9

  • (CL-725) Campaign and Template names that were long would overlap the Campaign Description field in TargetX Builder.
  • (PD-514, PD-1191) Email Activity was not displaying for Parents on the Relationship object.

March 2020

Version 2003.4

  • (CL-165) Email Templates using Custom Code were incorrectly formatted when users pasted HTML code.
  • (CL-362) Email Templates using Text widgets displayed the Subject line twice in recipients’ inboxes.
  • (CL-625) Bounced and XBounced fields were not populating appropriately on Campaign and Broadcast detail pages.
  • (CL-692) Email Templates using the ¾ Col section layout were not displaying images properly.
  • (PD-88) Previewing an Email Template was not displaying formatted text correctly.
  • (PD-1701) Email Templates with Tracked Links displayed ampersands as &amp for templates created or updated using Email version 2003.2.

October 2019

Version 1910.4

  • (CL-290) Trying to use Alt Email could prevent a campaign from saving.
  • (CL-460) Large reports were causing a timeout when users tried to Save or Schedule the Campaign.
  • (CL-442) Broadcasts scheduled for one broadcast were saved with a Start Date one day before the date the user selected.
  • (CL-479) Changing a Report on an existing Campaign was not saving correctly.

August 2019

Version 1909.9

NOTE: This version of Email was updated on 9/13/19. This package now includes the full fix for CL-460 for all clients. If you previously upgraded to (1908.17) and are not having any issues, you are all set. If you have any continued issues that you expected to be fixed by installing (1908.17) you can install this new version to address.

  • (CL-433) Campaigns being sent to Students & Parents were being put on Hold. For additional information, please see Email FAQ.
  • (CL-460) Large reports were causing a timeout when users tried to Save or Schedule the Campaign.

July 2019

Version 1907.26

  • (CL-247) The new Email Builder estimated the Original Recipient Count by including opt-outs, blank emails, and bounces.
  • (CL-341) Email Campaign Preview & Test was not working for Templates that used ¾ column sections.
  • (CL-366) For clients using the legacy Email Builder within the Email Campaigns tab, values for the fields Only send to a student once per campaign, Allow multiple emails per broadcast, and Track emails were not displaying correctly in the builder when the campaign was reloaded to create a new broadcast.
  • (PD-111) Date fields in Condition Sets in the Email Template Builder caused an error on the edit screen when users did not make edits.
  • (PD-674) Users could not Edit Lists that contained boolean field filters (e.g. True or False).

June 2019

Version 1906.15

  • (PD-397)The Preview & Test window displayed merge field values from Contact or Account, but not from child objects.
  • (PD-639) The Deduplication Method was not displaying the Recipient Id option in the Email Builder if the campaign had been created in the legacy UI.
  • (PD-685) Cloning Query-Based Campaigns prevented users from moving past the Recipients page due to an error message.


  • Users can not delete an Email Template if it's being used in one or more Campaigns. If a user attempts to delete the template, they will receive a message that ‘Template is being used in X Campaign(s)’, but if they select Confirm delete, nothing happens. This defect was introduced in the June '19 release and will be corrected in a future release. Users CAN delete Email templates if they are not associated with a Campaign.

May 2019

Version 1905.6

  • (CL-95) User profiles required the System Permission View Setup and Configuration.
  • (PD-85/UF-791) Campaigns were not updated when a user updated the associated Query list.
  • (PD-493) In the Email Template Builder, Condition Sets were exceeding the JSON Character Limit and the user was unable to Save. The system will now display a descriptive error message indicating that the user must reduce the number of conditions in order to Save.

April 2019

Version 1904.6

  • (CS-1188) The Resend flag was available even if it had been disabled in an institution's configuration.
  • (UF-710) The Email Template Builder was generating Console Errors when using Firefox.
  • (UF-730) The Delete button was not working on the Dynamic Content list page in Legacy Email.
  • (UF-742) When Images with double hyphens were added to an Email Template, the double hyphen was being saved to the HTML version or the email template which caused encoding to be incorrect.
  • (UF-817) The new Email builder displayed ampersands as & in the Campaign Name and Description.

March 2019

Version 1903.10

  • (UF-225) The Email Page Size custom setting caused the error ‘Visualforce Remoting Exception: invalid query locator’ if there was a campaign with 1,000 or more broadcast records.
  • (UF-453) Users could not schedule Email Campaigns in the new UI when the Locale was set to Spain.
  • (UF-758) Social Media links were not displaying correctly.
  • (UF-795) Social Media links were not copying to the Text Only version of Email Templates.

February 2019

Version 1902.3

  • (UF-585) Email Condition Sets retained the previous value when a user changed Field Types.
  • (UF-757/UF-754) Users could not see all of  the template in Edit Mode when working in TargetX Builder.

January 2019

Version 1901.4

  • (CC-2332) The Email Template Plain Text Editor was not saving changes made in the Template Builder.
  • (UF-464) Extra spaces were being displayed in Email Templates with conditional content.
  • (UF-606) The Email Template Builder was not displaying Social Media icons/text correctly.

December 2018

Version 1812.0

  • (CS-651) Campaigns requiring Users to have Email Access; this requirement has been removed.
  • (CS-2369) Users were unable to preview their entire template in Email builder.
  • (UF-592) If you configured a Section with the Social Share widget, adding any text in the text sections displayed incorrectly.

​September 2018

Version 1809.2

  • (UF-222) MJML and HTML comments were preventing Email Templates from saving.
  • ​(UF-383) The Email Template Builder displayed text with ampersands as “&” in Condition Sets.

March 2018

Back-end defect corrections (no package update required)

  • (CS-104) From Name was displayed with quotes.
  • (CS-107) SendGrid client mobile emails were displayed as blank.

July 2018

Version 1807.1

Front-end defect corrections (requires updated package)

  • (CS-473) The Email Template Builder intermittently would not save templates using conditional content blocks.
  • ​(CC-2372) The CK Editor in the new email template builder was missing the “Font” option.

June 2018

Version 1806.0

Front-end defect corrections (requires updated package)

  • (UF-316) Campaigns created using the Campaign Builder were not accounting for duplicate emails and could have a higher count than expected. 
  • (UF-327) Email campaigns using queries could, in some cases, not record the value of expected emails, leaving the value null, and preventing the campaign from sending successfully. 

May 2018

Version 1805.2

Front-end defect corrections (requires updated package)

  • (UF-2, UF-3) Fixed intermittent issue in Email Campaign builder UI where going back and forth through setup steps could result in invalid group and query ids being stored.
  • (UF-197) Users could not edit pre-existing Email Templates if a value existed in the Times Used field. 


April 2018

Version 1804.18

Back-end defect corrections (no package update required)

  • (CS-24) Email broadcasts were replacing ‘&’ with ‘&amp’ which caused URLs to break.
  • (CS-99) Email Templates that contained Ampersands (&) were being converted to HTML code(&).
  • (CS-103) Dynamic Content caused overflow errors and would not display properly.
  • (CS-104) ‘From Name’ was displaying with quotes.
  • (CS-122) Apostrophes in the From/Reply Vanity field was not displaying correctly.
  • (CS-124) Email statistics and EBM data was missing or inconsistent.
  • (CS-204) Email sections with Condition Sets were not appearing in emails correctly.
  • (CS-206) Email merge fields were sometimes displaying duplicates.
  • ​(CS-244) The Conditional Content batch job was failing.

Front-end defect corrections (requires updated package)

  • (UF-6) Links used in the Image + Caption widget in the Email Template Builder were not working properly.
  • (UF-10) Users were unable to create Sections in the Email Template Builder.
  • (UF-12) The Campaign Builder tool would generate the error ‘Javascript proxies were not generated for controller TargetX_Email.BroadcastService: may not use public remoted methods inside an iframe.’
  • (UF-19) Drip campaigns generated the error: 'The selected report must have a Contact Id or Lead Id as the first column.'
  • ​(UF-74) Button navigation links were not working properly in the Email Template Builder.

February 2018

Back-end defect corrections (no package update required)

  • (CC-2259) Weekly scheduled emails were skipping the first week of 2018.


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