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Email Release Notes

To view Resolved Defects, see Email Resolved Defects

November 2023

Version 2311.1

  • Twitter logos in the social media widget for Email Templates have been updated to reflect the new ‘X’ branding.

July 2023

Version 2307.0

  • The following pages now comply with Web Accessibility standards like ARIA and WCAG, as well as screen readers:
    • Test list email builder
    • Campaign Schedule page
    • Campaign Content page
    • Campaign Detail

June 2023

Version 2306.4

  • Email is updated to correct accessibility issues with keyboard navigation, tab navigation, and desktop access.

May 2023

Version 2305.1

  • Accessibility updates for Email.
  • Numerous Visualforce pages are available as Lightning components, so administrators can include them using the Lightning Page Builder. For additional information, see the Salesforce Help & Training article Lightning Pages:
    • ind_activity_contact_vf
    • ind_activity_lead_vf
    • broadcast_intelligence_vf
    • campaign_intelligence_vf

March 2023

VERSION 2303.0

  • Email operators are now validated to ensure they are appropriate for the selected field type. For additional information, see Writing a condition set in Email.
  • Advanced Conditional Logic is now supported within the Email Template Conditional Content builder.

December 2022

VERSION 2212.0

  • Tik Tok social media icon is now available in the Email footer.

October 2022

VERSION 2210.1

  • An audit tool is available to scan email templates and query conditions to identify invalid conditions. This tool is available before future changes to address issues with specific operators not behaving as expected in the email recipient query builder and email template conditional content builder. For more information, see Email Preferences: Audit Tools.
  • A new setting is available for Administrators to set a batch size when encountering errors with the Enhanced Domains URL scan. For more information, see Updating Email Templates for Enhanced Domains.

September 2022

VERSION 2209.0

  • The CK Editor was updated to version 4.x in both the old and new builders.

August 2022

VERSION 2208.6

July 2022

VERSION 2207.1

 February 2022

VERSION 2202.0

  • Users can now Filter the Email Dashboard list view by Folder:
    • Folder names = Campaign Name
    • By default, a folder named 'Campaign Deleted' is created and stores any broadcasts for deleted Campaigns.
    • The number of items in a Folder is based upon the Date Range selected.
    • The number of folders in the Folder List is NOT filtered by Date Range.

November 2021 

VERSION 2111.7

  • Folders are now available for Email Templates:

    • Users can filter the Email Template list by folder.
    • Users can select the folder where a Template gets stored.
    • Users can move Templates to different folders as needed.
    • For more information, see: Email Template Folder Management
  • Users can now select either Documents or Files when selecting Images in Email Templates. For more information, see: Saving images for use in you emails and Inserting an Image into an Email Template.
  • When selecting recipients for a Campaign, the label for Students has been changed to Contacts.

September 2021

VERSION 2109.8

  • On install the Last Modified By field on the Campaign Details tab will display System User along with the date time stamp until they are modified by any other user (someone updating the campaign name, a broadcast completing and updating the new fields, etc.). The install has updated all Campaign records with the Next and Last Broadcast data.
  • Deleting a campaign’s only past broadcast will set its Last Broadcast Date to null.
  • Next and Last Broadcast fields on the Campaign Object are now reportable.

August 2021

Back-end update (no package update required)

  • The system will now update the Last Data Input Source field on the Contact and Relationship V1 objects with TargetX Email Upsync when the processes update Contacts.

July 2021

VERSION 2107.0

  • Email Folders are now available for Email Campaigns:
    • Users can filter the Campaign list by folder.
    • Users can select the folder where a Campaign gets stored.
    • Users can move Campaigns to different folders as needed.
    • For more information, see: Campaign Folder Manager and Email Campaign Folders FAQ.
    • New Object added:


API name



  • New Fields added:



Field API Name








Email Folders Future Development:

TargetX will continue development of Folders in the TargetX Builder and release additional functionality as it becomes available. We plan to expand sorting and filtering functionality to other objects and enhance overall usability of folders throughout the TargetX Builder. 

Email Folder Known Issues

  • Due to Salesforce query offset limitations, we can only show 2000 total records at a time in the Xbuilder list views (Campaigns, Templates, Recipients tabs). Narrow your search criteria for a complete list of records.
  • In some cases, long Names and Descriptions in the table views can cause issues with text wrapping and may be truncated.
  • When changing Filter options on the Email Broadcast Dashboard, users are not returned to page one as expected when data is refreshed.
  • When moving campaigns out of a folder you are focused on, the count in the header does not change even though the item was moved. When the table is reset, the contents are correct.
  • Sort on the Last Modified By on the Test List Recipients page does not work.
  • Minor keyboard navigation and hover-over accessibility gaps.

November 2020

VERSION 2011.2

  • Users can now build Conditional Content using multi select picklists in the Email Template Builder. For additional information see, Understanding Condition Sets.

August 2020

VERSION 2008.1

  • 2008.x contains a variety of enhancements to simplify the query creation process in the TargetX Builder:
    • Only supported objects are visible. Previously, all objects, including those that would cause problems were visible.
    • Restricted conditions to 10 to prevent creating queries that would time out.
    • Removed fields that could cause queries to time out, including fields that are checked by default:
      • Opt Outs
      • Bounces
      • Deleted
    • Removed certain formula and lookup fields that could cause query failures

April 2020

VERSION 2004.9

  • The Campaign List in TargetX Builder now allows users to search by Description and Owner, in addition to Name.
  • New fields have been added to Contact to facilitate email engagement metrics.

March 2020

VERSION 2003.4

  • We’ve updated our HTML generation engine to better reflect your settings when using the XBuilder to create templates. Options like padding, borders, and spacing will more accurately display in both the preview pane and the final HTML emails. Templates created before Version 2003.2 will not be changed unless you edit and save them again, as we only update the final HTML on save.

Known Issues

  • In rare instances, when using a Code Your Own template the Mobile Preview may not wrap the text appropriately for the page size, and you will see a horizontal scroll bar at the bottom of the email. Text is wrapped appropriately in the Desktop Preview as well as in Test Messages and in the final Production Email Sends.
  • Attempting to preview a template built in the XBuilder in the Legacy Builder may show a duplicated footer. Only one footer is present in test messages and in the final production email sends. 

August 2019

VERSION 1909.9

July 2019

VERSION 1907.26

  • The Email Dashboard will now sort by Start Time by default.
  • The Email Dashboard date picker now grays out date selections outside the 90 day range.
  • Original counts for Student And Parent campaigns are now more accurate, eliminating unnecessary holds.

June 2019

VERSION 1906.15

  • A new Email Dashboard is available to monitor your Email Campaigns from a single screen: 
    • View Recipient Count, Send Time, and Current Status of all broadcasts. 
    • Select a Date Range to view upcoming or past broadcasts.
    • Drill down to detailed reports of individual broadcasts.
    • Easy to read actionable error messages to make sure all of your broadcasts are set up correctly.
    • For more information, see TargetX Email Dashboard Overview.

May 2019

VERSION 1905.6

  • A script will run during the Upgrade process to fix any Email Templates that contained broken images during the move to the new submitter.  
  • Users no longer require View and Setup Config permissions to send emails.
  • Improved validation messages will display when data is missing in Email Campaigns.
  • Improved Test & Preview of Emails, including the ability to select an individual contact to preview.
  • This release includes new “stripped-down” layouts for every custom TargetX object in the Email package in order to facilitate restricting access to Salesforce pages in Communities.

April 2019

VERSION 1904.7

  • Users can now select how a campaign gets deduplicated; either on Email or Recipient Id, in Legacy Email. For more information, see: Which Email Deduplication Method should I use?
  • The new Email Submitter will now prevent Parents and Students from receiving emails if the Student has opted out when running the Parent + Student email option.

March 2019

VERSION 1903.10

  • Condition Sets in Email Template Builder are now displayed in the Banner header, in addition to the Content tab. For more information, see Configuring Email Condition Sets.
  • Users can now preview and test an Email Template for specific Condition Sets.
  • Users will now receive meaningful error messages when:
    •  The Template Description is too long.
    • A Report, Query List or Template associated to a Campaign is deleted.
  • Users can now select how a campaign gets deduplicated; either on Email or Recipient Id. For more information, see Which Email Deduplication Method should I use?

January 2019

VERSION 1901.1

November 2017

VERSION 17.40008

  • The template designer's code widget has been updated to display only the Source button so that it is more easily distinguished from the text widget.
  • The Image + Caption widget has been updated to include a line break between the image and text in order to improve the display.

Fall 2017   

VERSION 17.40000

September 2017  

VERSION 17.30053

August 2017   

VERSION 17.30027

  • The Save option on the Template Builder page now includes options to Save or Save & Exit

Summer 2017    

VERSION 17.30017

  • Mobile responsive Email Builder and Recipient Management Tools (queries/reports and test lists). In addition to creating mobile friendly responsive email templates, the Template Builder provides one interface to easily create dynamic email templates with conditional content.

    • Mobile Responsive Email Builder
    • All email customization options in a single screen
    • New user interface  for managing recipient lists (reports, queries, and test lists)
    • Mobile and Conditional Content Preview
    • Create and save recipient lists via queries for use across campaigns
    • Create reusable campaign specific test lists to make sure your emails are beautiful 
    • ​New Objects/Fields:
Object Field
Campaign QueryListId
Test Lists
Email Service Settings Page Size
Email Template Setting Background Color
Border Color
Border Size
Border Type
Font Family
expEmailSeedlist Test List
Lead Current Generator(s)
Number of Locations
Product Interest
SIC Code
Template Section Configuration
Content Location
Test List Description

Spring 2017  

VERSION 17.10021

  • An updated Campaign Builder interface has been added to enhance the ease of use when creating or updating Email Campaigns. 
    • Access the Campaign Builder from TargetX Builder or TargetX CRM.
    • Access all components necessary to create an email campaign from an easy to use navigation menu.
    • Improved presentation of broadcast schedule options minimizes confusion.
    • Support for dynamic searching from the campaign list allows users to quickly find specific campaigns.
    • Campaigns can be sorted by name, owner, and according to the last or next scheduled broadcast.
    • Scheduled broadcasts can be viewed from within the campaign, providing improved campaign and broadcast management from a single place.
    • Visual summaries provide compelling and easy-to-understand information about campaign performance.
  • Improved logging for Broadcast errors in order to expedite troubleshooting.
  • Forward to a Friend will now only allow a recipient to access the form 10 times and will only allow a user to add up to 5 friends each time.
  • Validations have been added to enable users to view errors that occurred during processing: 
    • For emails with Conditional Content that include a blank Email Body, the validation message will indicate, ‘Please add content to Email Body and resend.’
    • If Conditional content tags were included in the Subject line. The validation message will indicate, ‘Please remove the conditional content tags from the Subject and resend.’
  • A new Custom Setting, Email_settings, has been added for European customers who are currently using the TargetX email server located in Europe. This custom setting must have the value ‘suite-eu’ in order to ensure that all email functionality continues to run from the European server. If you are unsure about whether to modify this setting, contact TargetX support before upgrading your email package.
  • An update to the date format on the classic Email Campaign setup screen now shows dates in a format that removes ambiguity for European customers by spelling out the month in dates shown on the screen.

Summer 2016


  • A new Email Preview lets users preview messages directly in the email campaign builder. 
  • Improved screen layout for viewing email results on a contact record using consistent column indicators.
  • Added new email relationship values (“Parent” and “Other”)
  • Users can set follow-up broadcasts to automatically send emails to recipients based on whether or not they have opened previous emails. 

Note: By default, the Follow Up Broadcast feature  above will be turned off. If you wish to use this feature, you must first upgrade your Email package and then contact Client Services to enable this feature.


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