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Publishing and Testing Application Forms

Publishing an Application Form to Production

  1. Select the Application Form Tab.
  2. Select the Application Form you want to publish.
  3. Select the Form Builder button.
  4. Select Save & Publish button.
  5. ​To preview the Application, select the Preview button.

Reverting to an earlier version of an Application Form

  1. Select the “Application Form” Tab.
  2. Open the Application Form you want to restore from a previous version.
  3. Scroll down to the “Application Form History” related list.
  4. Click on the number of the history record you want to restore.
  5. On the next screen, click the Restore as Draft button.
  6. Follow the steps in Publishing an Application Form to Production to publish the restored version to production.

Setting a Test Record to Preview an Application

  1. Add Is Test record checkbox to the Application Layout (TargetX_App_Dev__Is_Test_Record__c):
    1. Navigate to Setup and select Object Manager.
    2. Click on the Application Object.
    3. Scroll down to Page Layouts and edit the Application Layout.
    4. Add the Is Test Record? field to the layout.
    5. Save your changes.
  2. Create a new Application record that includes all the data you will be incorporating into your Application Form.​
  3. Select the Is Test record checkbox on the new application and Save. When previewing your Application Form, you will only be able to select applications with this field checked.

Note: The 'Test Record' must have an Application Stage = 'In Progress.'

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