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Resolving Common Portal Errors



Extra white space on Portal

Cause: Using the Video Widget to implement CSS or Google Analytics.

DISCLAIMER: This CSS tag is not supported or maintained by TargetX, and is simply meant as an example of how you may choose to use CSS within our products. Some or all of the customizations these tags provide may change or no longer apply to your instance at any time. If at any time the CSS impedes expected functionality in the TargetX product, our recommendation will be for you to remove the CSS to regain functionality. 

Add the following Style code into the Video Widget in Portal Builder:

#portal-container > div > div:nth-child(3) > article > div > div

'Duplicate Field Selected' error in Portal If a custom field is created that duplicates a field name in the Base package, you may experience issues with your Portal. You should validate that any custom fields do not duplicate TargetX fields (minus the namespace) and make changes to your custom fields if needed.

For example, if you want to create a new 'Role' field, name the field 'Custom Role' so that it does not interfere with the 'Role' object in the Base package.
'Show Reply to Offer' Button not displaying on the Student Portal

Issue: A student goes to view their Application Decision and pay the deposit but they cannot pay.

Resolution: This issue is typically due to the Accept Enrollment Deposit checkbox not being checked on the application record:

Accept Enrollment Deposit checkbox

  1. Navigate to the Applications tab.
  2. Select the record that isn't displaying 'Show Reply to Offer' button.
  3. Click the Edit button.
  4. Check the box for the Accept Enrollment Deposit field.
  5. Save your changes.
For additional information on Enrollment Deposits, see the article: Understanding how do Applicants Pay Enrollment Deposits.
"You do not have permissions to view this page" error Cause: This error is due to incorrect permissions.

Resolution: Validate the user's permission using either Permission Scanner or Permission Viewer. Pay particular attention to ensuring that the appropriate Visualforce Pages have been enabled for the profile.
Published Portal is blank and unable to save

Console errors often mention method: "evaluateConditionalContent". (Example: "Visualforce Remoting Exception: unexpected token: 'FROM'" action: "TargetX_Base.XBuilder" method "evaluateConditionalContent")

Conditional sections are the most likely cause of a broken Portal. Check your Condition Sets to ensure the following:

  • objects/fields referenced are visible to the Community User
  • the fields referenced match the data type of the values it is compared to
  • the values have the correct syntax
  • the advanced logic has the correct syntax

It can be difficult to tell which condition set is broken. Consider cloning the original so you can remove pages, sections, and then individual criteria and test publishing. When the Portal displays, the problem criteria were in the pieces removed.

The institution logo isn't displaying in the Events Portal

1. Validate that the Community Theme record has an Owner set to one of your Users.
2. Verify the reference to your logo image in the Events Custom Code tab:

The bolded text represents the parts of the URL you will need to update specific to your Events Site URL and the Static Resource used for your logo image:
background-image: url(Event Site URL/resource/Static Resource Name/); font-size:0; background-size: 80px 80px; }

Login page is different on each of your portals The Visualforce page used for self-registration and login is the same for each portal, but the look is adjusted through a Community theme record.

The Branding of your page can display different images, header text, etc. depending on the Site URL used to access the page.

Create a default Community Theme and, depending on how many different Themes you want, you can create additional Themes and apply them to your different Sites/Communities/Portals.


For details on viewing Console errors, see Troubleshooting using Console Mode.

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