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Online Application Upgrade

Step 1 - Record the Current Package Version

​Prior to upgrading, you will need to find and record your currently installed version:

  1. Navigate to Setup > Installed Packages
  2. Search for TargetX_App
  3. Note the version number

NOTE: If your current version is 2502.8, you are on the most recent package and should proceed to the Applicant Dashboard Upgrade. The February '25 Online Application package was replaced on 2/18/25 to correct defect CL-2337.

Step 2 - Install the Upgraded Package 

This is your "ending version" (i.e., the version you want to upgrade to). You can select any version that's higher than your current package version. Packages are cumulative, meaning the upgraded package you select includes all features from previous packages. For example, if you're upgrading from Package A to Package D, that package includes all features from Packages B and C. 

  1. Navigate to TargetX Online App: Admin Group to select and obtain the upgraded package. 
  2. Choose "Install for Admins Only.
    • Remember to update the appropriate Profiles and Permission Sets if additional security is required.

Step 3 - Complete Additional Configurations

After installing the upgraded package (i.e., the ending version), you must complete additional configuration steps to ensure all functionality is available. Use the following chart to complete the additional configurations. Identify your starting package and your ending package, then complete all configurations steps in between. For example, if your starting version is xxxx.1 and you're upgrading to xxxx.4, you'll need to complete all configuration steps for xxxx.2, xxxx.3, and xxxx.4.

Starting Version

This is the version you currently have installed, as Identified in Step 1.

Ending Version

This is the upgrade you are installing, as selected in Step 2.  

Configuration Steps by Release

These are the steps you need to complete, from the starting version to the ending version. For example, if your starting version is 2205.0 (May '22) and you're upgrading to 2208.6 (August '22), you'll need to complete the configuration steps for 2206.3 (June '22), 2207.0 (July '22), and 2208.6 (August '22). 


2311.0 (November '23)

No configuration steps. 

2311.0 2402.0 (February '24) No configuration steps. 
2402.0 2403.0 (March '24) No configuration steps. 
2403.0 2405.0 (May '24)

Note: Due to changes in the May '24 release related to resolved defect CL-2072, if you are importing Applications and you want them to appear in the Applicant Dashboard or Portal, confirm you are populating the following fields on Application records:

  • Application Process (TargetX_App__Application_Process__c) 
  • App Configuration (TargetX_App__App_Configuration__c) 

If you populate the Application Process field and not the App Configuration field, an error will occur and the page will not fully load.

2405.0 2406.0 (June '24) No configuration steps. 
2406.0 2407.0 (July '24) No configuration steps. 
2407.0 2408.0 (August '24) No configuration steps. 
2408.0 2409.0 (September '24) No configuration steps. 
2409.0 2410.1 (October '24) No configuration steps. 


2411.4 (November '24)

No configuration steps. 


2411.7 (November '24 Patch)

Item 1: Run batch process to update Applications with Snapshot data

Online Application Settings include a tool to Update Applications with Snapshot Data for institutions with missing data due to defect CL-2258. For additional details, see Configuring Online Application Settings:

  1. After you’ve logged into your Org, add /apex/TargetX_App__Settings to the URL:
  2. In the Update Applications with Snapshot Data section, specify the following:
  • Define a Submission Range Start and Submission Range End for the applications to be evaluated. The system will use these dates to capture applications with a Submit Date within the specified range.
  • Set an Application Limit for the number of applications to be updated or leave it blank to update all applications within the date range.
  • If a limit is selected, Set the Application Offset for Applications to be updated. This will typically be 0. If you are using an Application Limit, the offset ensures the correct next set of applications are updated. The maximum offset is 2000.
    • For example, if you specify an Application Limit of 500 and then run the process, the next time you run the process you will want to specify an offset of 500, so the same 500 applications are not updated.
  1. Choose Run Audit to run the script but without updates.
  2. Choose Run Updates to make the field updates.

Note: You can check the job status under Apex jobs as SnapshotDataRecoveryBatch

Item 2: Upgrade Complete

  1. No further configuration is required. 
2411.7 2412.0 (December '24) No configuration steps. 
2412.0 2502.0, 2502.8 (February '25) No configuration steps. You may proceed to the Applicant Dashboard Upgrade.



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