The Common App for transfer Quick Start Guide
Welcome to WebAdMIT, a cloud-based admissions management platform that provides users with tools to streamline their admissions processes. Using WebAdMIT, admissions staff can:
- Manage each applicant as they progress through the admissions cycle.
- Manage collective groups of applicants.
- Obtain holistic views of applicant pools.
- Take full advantage of applicant data to make the best admissions decisions.
If you're new to WebAdMIT, we recommend you start by completing this training for a thorough overview of the platform's functionality, including:
- Getting Started topics, like logging in and viewing the Dashboard.
- Setting up users.
- Organizing and filtering your applicant pool.
- Communication with applicants.
- Customizing GPAs.
- Working with reports and exports.
We also encourage you to review The Common Application for transfer Program User Guide for additional information.
Accessing WebAdMIT
You can access the WebAdMIT portal any time an internet connection is available to you. To log in to the portal, use the following link:
Note: if you are a primary user at a new school, you will receive your WebAdMIT username and password from the Client Support Specialist Team once your account has been created. If you are a user at an already participating school, you will receive your WebAdMIT username and password from the primary user at your institution.
Common Application for transfer
WebAdMIT works in conjunction with Common Application for transfer, a centralized application service that allows applicants to use a single application and one set of supporting documents to apply to multiple programs at participating member institutions (note that some schools and programs might have additional requirements). When applicants apply to your program, their application information is made available to you via WebAdMIT.
You may wish to review the Common App for transfer Help Center for more information about the application. Key information to review includes:
The Common App Member Solutions Center
For questions related to WebAdMIT, contact The Common App Member Solutions Center.
- Phone: 866-590-4389
- Email:
Getting Started with the Essentials
Configuring WebAdMIT
Accessing Additional Resources
The WebAdMIT Help Center contains a wealth of information, including certain topics that may not apply to all Common App for transfer users. The following sections may be most helpful for Common App for transfer users.
Release Notes
Documentation and Reference Guides
For your convenience, the Reference Guides section contains an assortment of quick reference guides that span a variety of topics. Included is the Data Dictionary and Master Code Lists, a comprehensive list of all fields available in the Export Manager, including associated lookup tables. Additionally, be sure to review the Shared Lookup Table Updates documents in the Release Notes section for updates to lookup values.
WebAdMIT Training
Visit our WebAdMIT Training and Support page for more information about training resources and opportunities.
WebAdMIT for The Common Application FAQs
How do I add a user and assign them permissions?
To add users, click Admissions Users in the Menu Bar, and click New User. Enter the user's information, select the desired Work Group, and check the desired programs under Program Assignments. Click Submit to create the account.
Note that your Work Group selection is what determines which permissions the user will have. To grant the user full administrative permissions, select the pre-created WebAdMIT Administrators Work Group. To grant limited permissions, create a Work Group with your desired permissions.
For more detailed assistance, view Creating Users and Creating Work Groups.
How do I search for In Progress students/applicants?
To search for applicants (or view all of them), click Search in the Menu Bar. Use the filters to isolate the group of applicants you're looking for, and click Search.
To search specifically for In Progress applicants, use the Application Status filter to select In Progress.
For more filter options, or to save your searches for quick retrieval, use the List Manager.
For more detailed assistance, view the Searching for Applicants and List Manager sections.
How do I search for recommenders?
To search for recommendation-related items, click List Manager from the Menu Bar. Use the Click to Select Field button to view the available categories. Recommendation-related items are found under References. Select your desired field, operator, and criterion. To add another filter, click the plus sign. Click Submit to create the list and view the applicants who matched your criteria.
For more detailed assistance, view the List Manager section.
How can I see if an applicant has paid their application fee?
To determine if an applicant has paid their fee, view their Application Status. If this status has moved from In Progress to Received or Complete, the applicant has paid.
To move from the In Progress Application Status to Received or Complete, applicants must complete the required sections, click Submit in the Submit Application section, and pay the application fee.
View the Applicant Details Page section for more information.
How do I manage invitation codes?
Invitation codes are individual deadline extensions that programs offer directly to applicants. These codes can be requested in batch by contacting your a member of your account team. Liaison tracks each invitation code, so you can generate an export through the Export Manager in WebAdMIT to pull information on who redeemed each code, when they redeemed it, and which program they redeemed it with.
View the Invitation Codes Reference Guide for more information.
How can I download a transcript?
To download transcripts, or any other applicant documents, go to the Applicant Details page and scroll to the Documents section. Here, you can view all the available documents, and download them as PDFs. You can also download applicant documents in batch by using the PDF Manager.
For more information, view the Documents and Working with the PDF Manager sections.
How does the ETL process affect when data is available?
ETL (Extract, Transform, and Load) is the process of applicant data moving from the CAS database into the WebAdMIT database. The ETL runs automatically based on application actions (e.g., an applicant adds a new program, updates their contact information, etc.). You can view the Last CAS Update field in the Applicant Header to determine when an ETL was last triggered.
How do I create an Export template?
To create exports, click Export Manager on the Menu Bar, then click New Export. From here, select the desired applicant list (or all applicants) to be exported, the desired export format, and enter a name for your export. Use the links under Export these fields to select which fields to export, and order them using the in this order window. Click Create File to save your export template and generate the export. Click Save Export Settings to save your template without generating a file.
For more detailed instructions, view the Exporting Data via the Export Manager section.
Where do I view the "Designation Last Exported Date"?
When creating a new export, the Export Manager includes a Last Export Date timestamp option. If this is set to will, the Last Exported Date field in the Designation panel of the Applicant Details page updates with the date this export was most recently run, for all applicants included in the export.
For more information, view the Exporting Data via the Export Manager section.
Where do I view the "Document Last Printed Date"?
The Document Last Printed Date field indicates the last time a document was produced in a PDF Manager job. This field is not visible in WebAdMIT but can be interacted with from the PDF Settings page. Changing the drop-down to will set the Document Last Printed Date for each document produced means that applicants included in the PDF Manager job will have their Document Last Printed Date updated. You can then filter the PDF Manager job based on this date.
For more information, view the Working with the PDF Manager section.