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Configuring Salesforce for TargetX Communities

Step 1: Confirm Digital Experiences are Enabled

To confirm that Digital Experiences are enabled, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Setup and search for Digital Experiences and then Settings.
  2. If Experiences have NOT been enabled you will see a message regarding the feature Enable Digital Experiences:

Enable Digital Experiences

  1. If you see the above screen, continue. If you do NOT see the above screen, skip to Step 2.
  2. Check Enable Digital Experiences.
  3. Specify a Domain name.

Note: The Domain Name will be used for ALL your Digital Experiences moving forward. We do not recommend using words like “apply” or “enroll” in the domain since this domain will also be used for all experience-based tools, including appointments.

  1. Click Save.

Step 2: Create New Digital Experience and Configure Site User Permissions

  1. Navigate to Setup and search for Digital Experiences.
  2. Select All Sites.
  3. Select New.
  4. Choose ‘Salesforce Tabs + Visualforce Theme’ option.
  5. Select Get Started.
  6. Choose a Name for your experience and a URL.

Note: This will be the Name for your Digital Experience and it will be referenced in System Emails. The URL will be unique for each site. You may choose to define the experience site types here (e.g. portal, application, appointments) and even define a specific group (e.g. gradapply, admitportal).

  1. Select Create.

It may take several minutes for the Digital Experience to be created, please be patient.

Step 3: Configure Site User Permissions

  1. Select Administration > Pages > Go to
  2. Select Public Access Settings.
  3. You will be taken to a new Profile for your Experience, named “<Your Digital Experience Name>+Profile”. This is the GUEST user for your Experience site (i.e. Site User).
  4. Scroll down to the Visualforce Page Access section and add the pages listed in the TargetX Permission Viewer; Online Application (Site User).

Note: ALL communities should use the Online Application (Site User) permission definition, regardless of community type.

  1. Enable the Apex Classes listed in the TargetX Permission Viewer; Online Application (Site User).
  2. Grant the Object Settings permissions listed in the TargetX Permission Viewer; Online Application (Site User). Following the additional guidance regarding record types below:
    • Account Object Settings: enable Administrative and Educational Institution record types.
    • Contact Object Settings: enable Recruitment Manager Student record type.
    • Test Object Settings: enable all Test record types.
    • Payment Connector Object Settings: enable all Payment Connector record types.
  3. To validate permissions, use the TargetX Permission Scanner.
  4. Enable API access by navigating to System Permissions and checking the API Enabled checkbox.
  5. Save all changes as you go.

Step 4: Configure Organization-Wide Defaults for External Users

  1. Navigate to Setup and search for Sharing Settings.
  2. Under Organization-Wide Defaults click Edit.
  3. Use the following article Recommended sharing settings for Default External Access (Organization-wide Defaults) to complete this step. Update the object access based on all products used.
  4. Navigate to the User Visibility Settings section.
  5. Uncheck: Portal User Visibility.
  6. Uncheck: Site User Visibility.
  7. Click Save.

Step 5: Configure Sharing Rules

  1. Please see the article Creating Sharing Rules to complete this step. Update each listed object based on the site type configured in your org.

Step 6: Create a Theme Template

  1. Navigate to Setup and search for Visualforce Pages.
  2. Click Edit next to the TX_CommunitiesTemplate.

Note: There are two pages with this name; choose the one that does not have a namespace prefix.

  1. Click Clone and name the cloned page, matching it to your Experience site.
  2. Edit the following lines to reflect your institution name:
    1. "header_school" value (e.g. TargetX University)
    2. "header_school_line_1" value ** (e.g. Image: Brown Hall)
    3. "header_school_line_2" value ** (e.g. Image: Students on Lawn)
    4. "header_program" value (e.g. Online Application)

**See below where these values will appear on your landing page. ALL values should be populated for ADA compliance. Consider adding image alt text to header_school_line_1 and 2.

Any values that you do not want to actually display can be hidden later by using css tags in the Community Theme record. See Hiding TX_CommunitiesTemplate Values for further guidance.

Landing Page elements

*Item 5 (below) is only needed for Experiences using Applicant Dashboard or Dynamic Portal.

  1. Locate the following around line 75: 

<apex:outputLink rendered="{!ISPICKVAL($User.UserType,'Guest')}" value="{!$Page.TX_CommunitiesHome}" styleClass="targetx-header-user">

  1. Replace !$Page.TX_CommunitiesHome with the following:

For Experiences using Applicant Dashboard:

For Experiences using Dynamic Portal:

Note: You should maintain the curly brackets that were originally around the replaced text.

  1. Click Save.

Step 7: Create a Community Theme

  1. From the App Launcher, search and select the Community Themes tab.
  2. Click New.
  3. Enter Theme Name of your choosing (e.g. Appointments, Online Application).
  4. Add the following values:
    1. Template Name: insert the custom TX_CommunitiesTemplate record you created in Step 6.  The format should include a “c__” at the beginning of the page name
      (e.g. “c__TX_CommunitiesTemplatePortal”)

Note: There are 2 underscores after the 'c'' in the above examples. 

  1. Static Resource update the field to one of the following:

For Experiences using Applicant Dashboard: TargetX_App__NewResource

For Experiences using Dynamic Portal: TargetX_App__NewResource

For Experiences using Events: TX_NewTheme

For Experiences using Appointment Scheduler: TX_NewTheme

  1. Homepage is the name of the Visualforce page that loads after login. Update the field to one of the following:

For Experiences using Applicant DashboardTargetX_Portal__PB
For Experiences using Dynamic Portal: TargetX_Base__Portal
For Experiences using Events: TargetX_Eventsb__events
For Experiences using Appointment Scheduler: leave blank

  1. Header Logo is the logo that appears in the top left corner of the screen in Applicant Dashboard and Events. This is the name of the Static Resource that contains the logo. This should be set for all records, regardless of the TargetX product in use. The size of this image is 70 px x 60 px and is a good size for using a shield or institution mascot. See the Salesforce Help & Training article Creating a Static Resource.
  2. Header Text Line 1 is the text that appears in the first line of the Header in Applicant Dashboard and Events. This should be set for all records, regardless of the TargetX product in use. We recommend using the School Name.
  3. Header Text Line 2 is the second line of text that appears under the Header. . This should be set for all records, regardless of the TargetX product in use. For example, Application for Admission.
  4. Hero Text is the text that is displayed over the Hero Image. This is not required and is rarely used.
  5. Hero Image is the name of the Static Resource that contains the hero image, which is a full-width image that displays directly below the header. The size of this image is 1336 px x 260 px; this is a different size than that used on the Sign-In page.  This should be set for all records, regardless of the TargetX product in use.
  6. Save your changes.

Recommended Best Practice: Each Digital Experience should have a DISTINCT Community Theme.


Step 8: Configure 'Related Sites'

Associate each Community Theme record to a Digital Experience site:

  1. Before configuring Related Sites you may need to update your Community Theme Page Layout. If you see the Related Sites tab already on the layout, you can skip to Item 2 below. If you do not see the Related Sites option, proceed here:
    1. Navigate to Setup.
    2. Locate and click the Community Theme object.
    3. Select the Page Layout section.
    4. Select to Edit the Community Theme Layout.
    5. From the page layout palette, select the Related Lists group and then drag the Related Sites item onto the page under the Related Lists section.
    6. Save your changes.
  2. Navigate to the Community Theme record for your new Digital Experience (that you created in Step 7).
  3. Click New Theme Site.
  4. Add a Site Name.
  5. Confirm the Community Theme is auto-populated with the previously created Community Theme record name.
  6. Add the URL of the related Digital Experience. This must be the secure (https) site URL.

To find the URL for your Digital Experience

  1. Navigate to Setup > Customize > Digital Experiences > All Sites.
  2. Locate the Digital Experience you created in the previous steps.
  3. Copy the URL for that record.


Step 9: Update TX_CommunitiesHome Visualforce Page

Note: This step only needs to be completed once in the client Salesforce org, so it may already exist if previous Experiences have been configured.

  1. Navigate to Setup and search for Visualforce Page.
  2. Click Edit next to the TX_CommunitiesHome.

Note: There are two pages with this name; choose the one that does not have a namespace prefix.

  1. Edit line 9 to reflect the Institution Name.

Note: If the School Name has an “&”, then use “&amp in the Visualforce page.

  1. On line 32, locate the following:

locate this code

Replace the replace-this-link.html text with {!$Page.TargetX_App__OnlineAppHome}

The updated line should look like this:

updated line of code

Step 10: Assign Custom TX_CommunitiesTemplate to Guest Site User

  1. Navigate to Setup and search for Sites.
  2. Click on the Site Label of the Digital Experience.
  3. Select Public Access Settings.
  4. Select Visualforce Page Access.
  5. Click Edit.
  6. Add the custom TX_CommunitiesTemplate (created in Step 6) to the Enabled Visualforce Pages.
  7. Click Save.

Step 11: Set up the Guest User Time Zone

  1. Navigate to Setup and search for Sites.
  2. Click on the Site Label of each Digital Experience.
  3. Select Public Access Settings.
  4. Select the Assigned Users button.
  5. Select edit on the Site Guest User.
  6. Set the timezone to the timezone of the school.
  7. Click Save.

Step 12: Create a Community User Profile

Recommended Best Practice:  It is recommended that you create ONE single Community Profile when you have multiple Digital Experiences that students could be part of simultaneously. If you opt to create multiple profiles, it will result in multiple/duplicate Contact records, and user profiles may change based on Digital Experience registration. 

The only exception is if you have Experience sites where users will NOT intersect. If you feel you fit this scenario, please contact TargetX Support for additional guidance.

  1. Navigate to Setup > Users > Profiles.
  2. Create Community Profile
    1. If you already use Digital Experiences for any other TargetX product, skip this step.
    2. If you are already using Digital Experiences but would like to create a distinct profile (for current students, for example), make a clone of your existing community profile and give it a unique name.
    3. If you are NOT already using Digital Experiences, make a clone of the standard delivered Customer Community Profile.  Give it a unique name - Customer Community User (TargetX).
  3. Edit the new or existing profile to include one or more of the following permissions (including
    objects, fields, Visualforce Pages, and Apex Classes), depending on the intended use of
    the profile and Digital Experience. These permissions are outlined in the product/feature
    of the TargetX Permission Viewer.
  • If you will be using the Applicant Dashboard interface and/or displaying Application information: 
    1. Online Application (Student Community User)
    2. Application Requirements Manager
    3. Payments 
      • If you will be using the Dynamic Portal interface to display information: 
        1. Portal (this is for the interface only; you will need additional permissions if the portal is showing any of the other functions listed here.)
      • If you will be using the experience for TargetX Events registration
        1. Event Registration (Student-facing)
      • If you will be displaying TargetX Appointments Scheduler information: 
        1. Appointment/Interviews (Student-facing)
  1. Navigate to Password Policies and check Don't immediately expire links in forgot password
  2. Navigate to Default Experience and select a default community from which Forgot Password emails will be sent (for most institutions this will be the Online Application-related community).
  3. Navigate to Visualforce Page Access.
  4. Add the custom TX_CommunitiesTemplate (created in Step 6) to the Enabled Visualforce 
  5. Save all changes as you go.

Step 13: Configure User Sharing Set

Note: This step must only be completed once in the client Salesforce org, so it may already exist if previous Experiences have been configured.

  1. Navigate to Setup and search for Digital Experiences and then Settings.
  2. Scroll to the Sharings Sets section at the bottom and select New.
  3. For Label, enter “User:Contact = Contact:Id”. The Sharing Set Name will automatically populate with this value.
  4. In the Available Profiles Field, select Customer Community User (TargetX) and click the Add arrow to move it to the Selected Profiles box.
  5. In the Available Objects Field, select Contact and click the Add arrow to move it to the Selected Objects box.
  6. Under Configure Access, select Set Up.  The Access Mapping for Contact modal will display.
    1. For User, select “Contact”.
    2. For Target Contact/Student, select “Id”.
    3. For Access Level, select “Read/Write”.
    4. Select Update.  The Sharing Set Edit screen will display.

Sharing Set Edit screen

  1. Under Configuration Access > Access Determined by, confirm the value “User:Contact = Contact:Id” appears.  If it does not, please repeat parts 3-6 above.

Configure Access screen

  1. Save your changes.

Step 14: Restrict Standard Salesforce Access

These steps will allow you to prevent a Community User from accessing their information from standard Salesforce pages (e.g., Contact) via the Digital Experience/Community. 

Salesforce states that it is common functionality to be able to reach standard Salesforce pages from the Community.  If you choose not to configure the settings below, your Organization’s security and sharing settings will continue to limit users as expected. TargetX considers it a best practice to follow these steps:

  1. Restrict access to Standard Pages.
    1. Navigate to Setup and search for Sites.
    2. Click on the Site Label of the Digital Experience.
    3. Click Edit.
    4. Uncheck “Allow Access to Standard Salesforce Pages”.
    5. Click Save.

Step 15:  Digital Experience Administration Configuration

  1. Navigate to Setup and search for Digital Experiences and then All Sites.
  2. Click Manage or Workspaces next to the Experience to be configured.
  3. Click on the Administration tile.
    Make sure to Save at the bottom of each page.
    1. Preferences
      1. Uncheck “Show nicknames”
      2. Update the Default Owner to the client CRM Administrator
    2. Branding
      1. Header: TXStandardPageStopper (If you cannot locate this document, refer to Downloading the TXStandardPageStopper for instructions to create it.)
    3. Email

Note: Sender Email Address will default to the email of the user who created the community. Work with the client during implementation to update the email address to the appropriate value such as an org wide email address for admissions, advising, etc.

  1. Uncheck “Send welcome email”
  2. Update Forgot Password: TargetX Communities: New Member Welcome Email
  3. Update Change Password: TargetX Communities: Change Password Email
  4. Members (only complete this after you have unchecked the welcome email above)
    1. In Select Profiles, update the Search value to Customer
    2. Move the Custom Community User (TargetX) profile to the Selected Profiles box DO NOT REMOVE THE SYSTEM ADMINISTRATOR PROFILE
  1. Login & Registration
    1. Branding Options
      1. Update the Salesforce logo with your institution’s logo (Administration > Login & Registration > Logo Type/Logo File)
      2. Update the background and login button colors (Administration > Login & Registration > Background/Login Button)

Branding options for your Community

  1. Login Page Setup
    1. Login Page Type: Visualforce Page | TX_CommunitiesLogin
  2. Password Pages
    1. Forgot Password: Visualforce Page | TX_ForgotPassword
    2. Reset Password: Visualforce Page | TX_ChangePassword
  3. Registration Page Configuration
    1. Check “Allow customers and partners to self-register” if this community should be allowed to create new Contact records. Depending on the use case, it is common for Appointment Scheduler or Dynamic Portals to have this feature disabled.
    2. Registration Page Type: Visualforce Page | TX_CommunitiesSelfReg
    3. Profile: Customer Community User (TargetX)
    4. Account: Community User Account (If you cannot locate this account, refer to Creating the Community User Account for instructions to create it.)
  4. Pages
    1. Home Page: Visualforce Page | …

Applicant Dashboard: TX_CommunitiesLanding

Dynamic Portal: TX_CommunitiesLanding

Events: TX_CommunitiesLanding

Appointment Scheduler: TargetX_Eventsb__AppointmentSchedulerLanding

  1. Settings - click Activate.

Step 16: Configure a Custom Welcome Email when using Multiple Communities

When using multiple communities for distinct branding per program/specialization or multiple TargetX Tools, users will receive multiple welcome emails (one per community). The article Configure a Custom Welcome Email when using Multiple Communities outlines the set of necessary steps to ensure that only one welcome email is sent on sign up from the community where registration occurred and not from all communities where membership is valid.

Step 17:  Update the Community Landing Page Branding

Before proceeding, you will need to create Static Resources for your institution images. See Salesforce’s Help & Training article Creating a Static Resource.

Recommended Image sizes:

  • Landing Page Hero Image = 1440 x 400 px
  • Landing Page Logo = 57px high x however long you need it to be.

Static Resources window

To build your image URLs 

  1. Identify your experience/community base URL.
    1. Navigate to Setup > Customize > Digital Experiences > All Sites.
    2. Locate the Digital Experience you created in previous steps.
    3. Copy the URL for that record.



  1. Identify your static resource IDs.
    1. Navigate to the newly created Static Resource and click View File. Copy the URL.

Static Resource Landing_Hero

  1. Using the underlined information above, create two image URLs (examples below).

  1. Navigate to the Community Themes tab.
  2. Click the Community Theme record that you created in Step 7.
  3. Scroll down to the Custom CSS field and click Edit.
  4. Copy and paste the following code, updating the highlighted sections with the custom URLs.
/* Updating the hero image - this is what displays for the Community login page */
.targetx-dashboard-hero {
background-image: url("https://your landing hero image url");

/* Top left corner logo image- this is what displays for the Community login page  */
.targetx-header-university-icon {
background-image: url("https://your landing logo image url");
background-repeat: no-repeat;
width: XXXpx; ←this should be updated with the width of the client image
height: 57px;

Proceed to: Testing your Community


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