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Resolving Common Email Errors

Issue/Error Resolution
'Broadcast not sent for' Task See Resolving the 'Broadcast not sent for' Task for details.
Email Error codes See Resolving Email Error Codes

'Test Campaigns' and 'Test Templates' are displayed in Campaign Builder

  1. Navigate to Setup and search for Custom Settings.
  2. Next to Email Service Settings, select Manage.
  3. In the Email Service Url, validate that one of the following URLs has been entered:
    • Customers running on email server in the US data center:
    • Customers running on email server in the EU:
  4. Save your changes. The Location field will populate after you save.

A student is missing Email history

Verify that your Base Custom Settings has the option selected to Save Contact Merge Ids. This setting retains Email History upon Contact Merge.

Question marks displayed throughout your message where they should not appear

Question marks displaying throughout your message typically occur when an email is created in Word and copied to the email editor. Microsoft Word has a distinct formatting style that is incompatible with HTML editors. 

If you are pasting text that originated from a Word document into an email, try these options: 

  • Use the "Paste from Word" icon in the HTML Editor Menu bar. 
  • Paste the text into a plain text program like Notepad. Save the text file and copy and paste it from Notepad into a new email, or paste using the "Paste from Plain Text" icon in the HTML Editor Menu bar.
  • Create the email in an HTML builder such as Dreamweaver and paste the HTML Code into the Source area of a new message.
  • Type the text directly into the HTML Editor. 

'REPORT DOWNLOAD FAILED Status:500 Reason:Data Not Available'

If you encounter the message 'REPORT_DOWNLOAD_FAILED Status:500 Reason: Data Not Available' when attempting to send Email Broadcasts, then the system cannot locate the report specified.

  • Validate that the report exists and is saved in an accessible folder, such as Broadcast Email Reports.

Remoting Exception: Upsert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: STRING_TOO_LONG, Email Template Name: data value too large: "This name has eighty characters in it and is being used for testing for UND!!!!!!" (max length=80): [Name] 

The maximum length for an Email Template Name is 80 characters. If this length is exceeded, you will receive an error.

Resolution: Enter an Email Template Name of no more than 80 characters.

Inactive Email Templates displaying in your Email Message picklists when you create an Event

Email templates not set as 'Available for Use' or 'Active' (in the new UI) will not send but still display in the pick list.

To prevent these from displaying, move 'inactive' Email templates into a separate folder, such as 'Inactive Email Templates,' so end-users do not select an inactive template.

'Unable to save template sections. Template Sections did not save. Please try again later.'

Error:  'Unable to save template sections. Template Sections did not save. Please try again later.'

Possible Cause 1:  Incorrect Email permissions typically cause this error.

Resolution 1:  Run the TargetX Permission Scanner for the affected user for Product/Feature = Email to determine which permissions are missing.    

Possible Cause 2: If the template is a Code Your Own template and you are attempting to paste in your own HTML, there is a 32,768 character limit for HTML content per section.

Resolution 2: Confirm that your code does not exceed the 32,768 character limit per section. If so, reduce the code you are pasting and/or manually build your template.

Two 'Notes' objects are displayed in the list of Merge Fields

  1. Navigate to Setup and search for Notes Settings.
  2. Click to deselect the Enable Notes checkbox.
  3. You will need to close and reopen your Email Template after you've made this change.

Email Template doesn't display when you try to select it on your Email Campaign

The typical reason that a template doesn't appear in the picklist when creating an Email Campaign is that it needs to be marked as Active:

  1. Navigate to TargetX Builder.
  2. Select Campaign Builder.
  3. Click the Templates icon on the bottom navigation bar.
  4. Click the Edit icon next to the Template you need to make active.
  5. Click the Template tab.
  6. Click Set Template to Active.
  7. Save your changes.

Can't view the redirect tracking on your or Event links in Email

Cause: The event registration links in this email are on the domain. We expressly exclude links at from tracking because images included in email content are also served from the same domain. When images are tracked, the statistics are skewed.

Resolution: Interaction should work if you put the Event Registration URLs through a tool like and use those as your hyperlinks. 

Users are unable to see Email Activity History and Email Intelligence Report

Issue:  Users cannot see individual email activity or the Email Intelligence report.

Cause:  Currently, Email users are required to have View Setup and Configuration permissions to view Email Activity History or the Email Intelligence report.

Resolution:  Follow these steps to add the appropriate access:

  1. Navigate to Setup and search for Profiles.
  2. Click the profile used for Email users.
  3. Click System Permissions.
  4. Check the option for View Setup and Configuration.
  5. Save your changes.
  6. Repeat for any other profiles that require this access.

Email Campaign screen is blank

Error:  When accessing the TargetX Builder/Campaign Builder, the list of Email Campaigns is blank.

If you are using the TargetX Builder to build your Email Campaigns and there are more than 1,000 broadcasts related to the Campaigns in your filter, the list may display as blank.

Note: Email Broadcasts have a limit of 1,000 broadcast records per Campaign.

Solution:  Limit the number of broadcasts per Campaign. 

Best Practice: TargetX recommends you schedule campaigns no further than one year out. Instead of changing the End Date of a campaign, we recommend creating a new campaign. This is useful for tracking statistical data as it allows you to see how a campaign performs year over year by comparing stats. It's also an excellent opportunity to revisit the content and ensure everything is current.

Unable to save changes to your email template

Option 1: Disable any spelling or grammar correction plug-ins or extensions installed on your browser, such as Grammarly.

Option 2: If you pasted HTML into the Email Template builder:

  • Verify that all extra spacing is removed when pasting your HTML code into the template as additional characters get added to the template when extra spacing occurs.
  • Paste the HTML across numerous blocks and sections within the template to ensure you are not exceeding the character limit.

Option 3: For certain Products/Features, the Permission Scanner lists items in Notes that need to be validated manually. In the case of Email, you will need to validate the following objects have Modify All selected:

  • RULE object: Modify All is required for users editing templates that are created and/or edited by other users 
  • RULE ACTION object: Modify All is required for users editing templates that are created and/or edited by other users 
  • CONTENT LOCATION object: Modify All is required for users editing templates that are created and/or edited by other users 
  • CONFIGURATION object: Modify All is required for users editing templates that are created and/or edited by other users 
  • TEMPLATE SECTION object: Modify All is required for users editing templates that are created and/or edited by other users""

To validate these permission exist on the Profile:

  1. Navigate to Setup and search for Profiles
  2. Click on the Profile you need to validate
  3. Click on Object Settings.

Email won't send

  • Verify on the Email Preferences tab that your address information is appropriately filled out.
  • Verify in the Company Profile you are not over API requests.
  • Verify your account has not expired.


For details on viewing Console errors, see Troubleshooting using Console Mode.


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