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February '25 Release Notes

This release includes enhancements for the Communication Planner and TX Forms and defect fixes for Applicant DashboardCommunication Planner, Engage, Events, Online Application, Recruitment Manager, and Retention.

Note: The February '25 release was updated on 2/18/25 to include a new Online Application package (v2502.8) to address defect CL-2337. Refer to the Online Application Upgrade for detailed instructions on installing the update.

TargetX Enhancements

Communication Planner

Version 2502.0

  • Quick Messages allow you to deliver content to a specific group of recipients as a one-time event. They can be created and scheduled quickly, enabling efficient communication without setting up a full campaign flow.
  • Twilio credentials are no longer required in the global settings page of Communication Planner, enabling Administrators to fully reset credentials, if necessary.
  • Activity Center features an icon on drip track rows, providing detailed insights into drip track activity.  For details, see Navigating Communication Planner.
  • Two new training courses are available in Liaison Academy:
    • Introduction to Communication Planner
    • TargetX Communication Planner: Creating Emails and Campaigns
TX Forms

Base Version 2502.1

  • TX Forms provide Form Versioning, allowing you to create draft versions without affecting the active version of your forms. For details, see Creating TX Forms.
  • TX Forms enables you to reference read-only fields, such as ID and formula fields, within the form builder. These fields can be used for visibility conditions, option groups, or safely matching records without creating duplicates. For details, see Creating TX Forms.
  • For TX Forms using URL prefill, you can alternatively use an Access key instead of Record ID fields to safely match records without creating duplicates. For details, see Creating TX Forms.
  • To securely include records in a form, a field for Access Keys (Access Key, Access_Key__c) is available for the following objects:
    • Account
    • Application
    • Contact
    • Enrollment History
    • Essay
    • Extra Curricular Activity
    • Financial Aid
    • Inquiry
    • Recommendation
    • Relationship (v1)
    • Test
  • Notes: 
    • During the installation of the February ’25 Recruitment Manager package, a batch class will populate the Access Key fields for the above objects. All records in these objects will be updated. Please review any workflows, process builders, and flows that trigger updates to these objects, as this mass update may trigger them. If the automations perform actions that you do not want occurring on these records, you may want to deactivate the automations temporarily while the batch job is running. 
    • The four Source to Master objects (Application, Enrollment History, Test, and Inquiry) are included in this mass update. So you may want to deactivate these rollups while the batch job is running, especially if the Last Modified Date field is included in your Order By or Tracked Fields. 
    • This batch class will be removed in the May 2025 release. If you'd rather not have the batch class run automatically, you may choose to delay the Recruitment Manager upgrade until May. At that point, you can run the access key creation script manually by object if needed.
TargetX Resolved Defects

Administrative (Base Version 2502.1)

  • (CL-2261) Documentation links in the Base Settings page navigate to the correct link in the Help Center. Previously, the links were directing you to the old documentation system.

Applicant Dashboard (Version 2502.0)

  • (CL-2211) Applications are secure against alterations that bypass payment. Previously, users could manipulate browser data to submit applications without completing the payment process.

Communication Planner (Version 2502.0)

  • (CL-2257) The updated UI now prompts you to "Select your image." Previously, the interface suggested that you could drop an image into the window. However, drag-and-drop functionality for images is not supported.
  • (CL-2277) Communication Planner permission sets can now be included in Permission Groups. Previously, this was not possible.
  • (CL-2303) Track Details descriptions enforce a limit of 255 characters. Previously, the limit of 100 characters generated errors.

Engage (Version 2502.0)

  • (CL-2281) When signing into an Engage room, extra spaces before or after your ID do not interfere with duplicate matching. Previously, IDs with extra spaces were not correctly validated for duplicates.

Events (Version 2502.1)

  • (CL-2176) Upcoming and past appointments are displayed in descending order, ensuring that users with over a thousand appointments can easily view the most recent appointments at the top.
  • (CL-2308) The Event Management (Internal Use) permission definition includes all necessary permissions for internal users. Previously, it lacked Read access to the Configuration object.

Online Application (Version 2502.8)

  • (CL-2211) Applications are secure against alterations that bypass payment. Previously, users could manipulate browser data to submit applications without completing the payment process.
  • (CL-2293) Fields configured with a visibility condition on autocomplete fields save data correctly. Previously, the field did not save the data to the record.
  • (CL-2337) Migrated application forms allow you to start a new application. Previously, using the Form Migration tool to migrate application forms resulted in an error when attempting to begin a new application.

Recruitment Manager (Version 2502.0)

  • (CL-2250) When Contact rollup from Merge is enabled in RM Preferences, Source to Master correctly rolls up child object data to the Contact record after the merge. Previously, the wrong child object could have rolled up to the Contact record if the Source to Master Order By contained "NULLS FIRST" or "NULLS LAST."

Retention (Version 2502.0)

  • (CL-2247) The 'My Students' counts in the Student Success Center now correctly align with the 'At Risk' and 'Open Issues' counts. Previously, the 'My Students' counts were inconsistent with the 'At Risk' and 'Open Issues' counts.

Upgrade Instructions  

For Upgrade instructions, select Upgrade Guides from the TargetX User Community.


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