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Payment Connector Upgrade

Step 1 - Record the Current Package Version

​Prior to upgrading you will need to find and record your currently installed version:

  1. Navigate to Setup > Installed Packages
  2. Search for TargetX_Payment
  3. Note the version number

Note: if your current version is 2411.0, you're using the most recent package and do not need to continue to Step 2. Instead, proceed to the Recruitment Manager Upgrade.

Step 2 - Install the TargetX Payment Connector Package

This is your "ending version" (i.e., the version you want to upgrade to). You can select any version that's higher than your current package version. Packages are cumulative, meaning the upgraded package you select includes all features from previous packages. For example, if you're upgrading from Package A to Package D, that package includes all features from Packages B and C. 

  1. Navigate to TargetX Recruitment Suite: Admin Group to select and obtain the upgraded package. 
  2. Choose "Install for Admins Only.
    • Remember to update the appropriate Profiles and Permission Sets if additional security is required.

Step 3 - Complete Additional Configurations

After installing the upgraded package (i.e., the ending version), you must complete additional configuration steps to ensure all functionality is available. Use the following chart to complete the additional configurations. Identify your starting package and your ending package, then complete all configurations steps in between. For example, if your starting version is xxxx.1 and you're upgrading to xxxx.4, you'll need to complete all configuration steps for xxxx.2, xxxx.3, and xxxx.4.


Starting Version

This is the version you currently have installed, as Identified in Step 1.

Ending Version

This is the upgrade you are installing, as selected in Step 2.  

Configuration Steps by Release

These are the steps you need to complete, from the starting version to the ending version. For example, if your starting version is 2205.0 (May '22) and you're upgrading to 2208.6 (August '22), you'll need to complete the configuration steps for 2206.3 (June '22), 2207.0 (July '22), and 2208.6 (August '22). 

2206.0, 2212.1

2302.0 (February '23)

Item 1: Update WPM Page Layout (WPM Only)

  1. Navigate to Setup and click Object Manager.
  2. Select the Payment Connector object.
  3. Click Page Layouts.
  4. Click the WPM Layout.
  5. Add a new 1-Column Section and update the Section label to Custom Parameters.
  6. Click Visualforce Pages in the Page Layout palette.
  7. Drag the CustomParam Visualforce Page into the new Section.

Item 2: Update Permissions for Internal Users (WPM Only)

You’ll need to grant Read and Edit access on the CustomParams field for users that Create and Edit Payment Connectors as well as access to the CustomParam visualforce page:

  1. Navigate to Setup and search for Profiles.
  2. Select the Profile(s) for users that need the ability to create and edit Payment Connectors.
  3. Click on Object Settings.
  4. Select the Payment Connectors object and click Edit.
  5. Assign READ and EDIT access to the Custom Params field.
  6. Save your changes.
  7. Navigate to Visualforce Page Access and click Edit.
  8. In the Available Visualforce Pages list, click the targetx_payment.CustomParam page and Add it to the Enabled Visualforce Pages.
  9. Save your changes.

Item 3: Update Permissions for Site Users (WPM Only)

You’ll need to grant Read access to any fields used for Custom Parameters and the Custom Params field for users who will make WPM payments.

  1. Navigate to Setup and search for Sites.
  2. Click your Payment site.
  3. Click Public Access Settings.
  4. Click Object Settings.
  5. Click the Payment Connectors object.
  6. Click Edit.
  7. Add READ access to the Custom Params field.
  8. Repeat for any fields used in your Custom Parameters.
  9. Save your changes.
2302.0 2304.0 (April '23)

Item 1: Update Converge Page Layout (NEW Converge Gateway ONLY)

If you are using the New Converge Gateway, you must update your Converge Page Layout with new fields:

  1. Navigate to Setup and select Object Manager.
  2. Click the Payment Connector object and select Page Layouts.
  3. Click Converge Layout.
  4. Drag the new fields onto the layout:
    1. Converge Merchant ID
    2. Converge Partner App ID
    3. Converge Vendor ID
    4. Post URL
    5. Post Verify URL
    6. Postback Verify URL

Note: The Converge PIN field has been deprecated and can be removed from the Page Layout.

  1. Save your changes.

Item 2: Regenerate Payments Permission Set (NEW Converge Gateway ONLY)

If you are using the New Converge Gateway, you must update your Permission sets to include the new fields on the Payment Connector object: Converge Partner App ID, Converge Vendor ID, Post Verify URL, Postback Verify URL.

  1. Navigate to the Permission Scanner tab.
  2. Select the Product/Feature = Payments and Version = the version you are upgrading to. 
  3. Select the checkbox for Use @Future to generate a Permission Set if you want to have the process run in the background. 
  4. Click the Generate Permission Set button.
  5. The updated permission set will retain the currently assigned users. If needed, you can assign the Permission Set to additional Payment Users.

Item 3:  Add Remote Site Settings (NEW Converge Gateway ONLY)

If you are using the New Converge Gateway, you must add additional Remote Site Settings for sandbox and production:

  1. Navigate to Setup and search for Remote Site Settings.
  2. Click New Remote Site.
  3. Enter the following information, depending on whether you use a sandbox or production org. You will need to create TWO remote sites for sandbox and TWO for production
  4. Active: should be checked. 
  5. Click Save.

Item 4: Update Converge Configurations (NEW Converge Gateway ONLY)

Work with your Converge contact to update your configurations in Converge:

A: Retrieve Secure Key for Salesforce

  1. Select Employees.
  2. Select the integration/API user.
  3. Select Show Pin.
  4. Copy the value into Secure Key in Salesforce.

B: Enable Export Scripts  

  1. Select Settings > System Setup Support.
  2. Under Export Options, select Enable Export Script.
  3. Enter the Salesforce Site payment response URLs for:
    • Approval URL
    • Declined URL
    • Error URL

Note: The URLs should have the following structure: https://{salesforce-site-domain}/{salesforceSiteNamePath}/services/apexrest/targetx_payment/converge/

  1. Under Integration Methods select Hosted Payment Page.
  2. Save.

C. Add Required Custom Payment Fields      

  1. Select Settings > Payment Fields.
  2. Under Custom Fields select Add Payment Fields.
  • Name: redirectComplete
  • Field Type: Text
  • Maximum Number Characters: 999
  • Required: Selected
  • Forward on Approval: Selected
  • Forward on Decline: Selected
  • ·Show on Export Script: Selected

3.    Under Custom Fields select Add Payment Fields

  • Name: redirectCancel
  • Field Type: Text
  • Maximum Number Characters: 999
  • Forward on Approval: Selected
  • Forward on Decline: Selected
  • Show on Export Script: Selected

D: Configure Hosted Payments

  1. Select Settings > Hosted Payments.
  2. Next to Payment Page select Setup.
  3. Under Payment Page (unlabeled) Cancel section:
  • Cancel Link: https://{salesforce-site-domain}/{salesforceSiteNamePath}/targetx_payment__confirm
  • POST: Selected
  • Include Original Post Data: Selected
  • Save
  1. Under Response Page > Approval Page
  • Button Link: https://{salesforce-site-domain}/{salesforceSiteNamePath}/targetx_payment__confirm
  • POST: Selected
  • Include Transaction Data: Selected
  • Save
  1. Under Response Page > Decline Page
  • Button Link: https://{salesforce-site-domain}/{salesforceSiteNamePath}/targetx_payment__confirm
  • POST: Selected
  • Include Transaction Data: Selected
  • Save
  1. Under Response Page > Redirect URL
  • Redirect URL: https://{salesforce-site-domain}/{salesforceSiteNamePath}/targetx_payment__confirm
  • POST: Selected
  • Save

E: Work with Converge to Whitelist IP Ranges and Export URL

Note: Salesforce does not recommend the use of IP Allowlisting for their servers. You can read more in the Salesforce article Introducing Hyperforce - General Information & FAQ. If your Salesforce org has transitioned to Hyperforce (expected by the end of 2024), and your payment connector requires IP Allowlists, then you may need to use the IP addresses outlined in the Salesforce article Hyperforce External IPs

  1. Converge requires whitelisting of the following:
  2.  Export Script URL (defined in the configuration steps above)
  3. The IP ranges of your Salesforce Org are documented here: Salesforce IP Addresses and Domains to Allow.
  4. You can monitor which IP ranges Converge has whitelisted under Settings > Online API Security Allowed List Manager > Valid API IP Addresses.
  5. Per Converge, the whitelisting of these things can take up to 10 business days, and there is currently no option for self-service.

Item 5: Your Upgrade is Complete

No further configuration is required.

2304.0 2402.2 (February '24) No configuration steps. 
2402.2 2406.0 (June '24) No configuration steps.
2406.0 2411.0 (November '24) No configuration steps. You may proceed to the Recruitment Manager Upgrade.





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