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Transfer Settings Guide


WebAdMIT for AMCAS's Transfer Settings feature allows you to transfer templates from a previous cycle to a current cycle. The feature is typically available within the first week of the CAS application launch.

In this guide, we provide information on:

  • How programs are carried forward each cycle in the Configuration Portal.
  • What templates (also referred to as items in this document) are carried forward each cycle in WebAdMIT for AMCAS. 

Important note!

The Transfer Settings feature is an advanced feature in WebAdMIT for AMCAS and can be used by a single user once per cycle for each organization. Review this document in its entirety before using this feature.

Note that this document may not apply to your CAS; if you have any questions, contact a member of your account team. Additionally, consider watching our 6 WebAdMIT To-Do’s for a Successful Cycle Wrap-up webinar, accessible in Liaison Academy.

Why run a Transfer Settings?

Transferring your settings can make the process of starting a new cycle easier for you. Instead of rebuilding templates cycle to cycle, you can use a simple 3-step process to pull forward templates from one cycle to the next. Once your templates are in the new cycle, you can review and edit them to reflect any updated processes.

Who can run a Transfer Settings?

Starting in 2021 Release 1, Institution Managers who are in the WebAdMIT Administrators Work Group for the new and previous cycles can initiate a Transfer Settings.

What gets transferred?

Active templates from the following WebAdMIT for AMCAS features are included in the transfer (deactivated templates are excluded from the transfer):

Reports & Exports panel:

  • List Manager
  • Export Manager
  • Report Manager
  • PDF Manager
  • Destination Manager

Management panel:

  • Work Groups
  • Custom Fields
  • Local Status
  • Local GPAs
  • Prerequisite GPAs
  • Requirements
  • Scoring
  • Assignments
  • Interviewing
  • Email Templates* (attachments are also carried forward)
  • Email Addresses
  • Schedule Manager (all schedules will be disabled; schedules for the partial view report for In Progress applicants are not carried forward)
  • Cycle-specific fields, such as program custom questions in Exports and Lists

*If you include images in your email templates, ensure the image URLs don't include spaces (which appear in the URL as %20), as this can prevent the email template from carrying forward during transfer settings.

What doesn’t get transferred? 

The following WebAdMIT for AMCAS features are excluded in the transfer and need to be rebuilt in the new cycle:

  • Applicant Header
  • Cycle-specific fields, such as applicant-facing prerequisites built in the Configuration Portal or Applicant Gateway questions

Additionally, any item not visible to the Institution Manager executing the Transfer Settings will not be included. Adjust the visibility settings for any exports, lists, PDF templates, etc., to ensure these items are transferred.

Changing Visibility of Export

How do users get transferred?

When a new cycle opens, users in the WebAdMIT Administrators Work Group are automatically added to the new cycle by Liaison. Users who are not WebAdMIT Administrators are added to the new cycle through the Transfer Settings process and their previous Work Groups are re-assigned. Note that anyone who has already been created in the new cycle will not be re-added during the Transfer Settings process. For some CASs, the program(s) that was assigned to each user in their previous cycle is also re-assigned in the new cycle. As a best practice, review your users' accounts to ensure everyone is placed in a Work Group and has the appropriate programs selected. Contact a member of your account team with questions regarding this.

Important Considerations and Recommendations

Before initiating the Transfer Settings feature, consider the following:



  1. The Transfer Settings process can only be completed by a single user once per cycle for each organization. Additionally, Transfer Settings can only be completed within the same CAS. For example, you can transfer settings from CSDCAS 2021-2022 into CSDCAS 2022-2023, but you cannot transfer settings from CSDCAS 2021-2022 into PharmCAS 2022-2023.

Decide who will initiate the transfer for your organization. This person will become the owner of the transferred Lists and Exports and will have editing and deletion abilities. Ensure that they are listed as an Institution Manager and placed in the WebAdMIT Administrators Work Group for the previous and new cycles. Also, ensure that they have access to all items you are transferring, and all programs in the previous and new cycles.

  1. All active templates are included in a Transfer Settings.

When transferring your settings, first review templates in your previous cycle to confirm that you'll want to carry them forward in the new cycle. If you don't want to carry a template forward, simply deactivate or delete it in the old cycle before carrying it forward. You can deactivate or delete templates in the new cycle if you later decide you don't want to use them.

  1. Naming conventions matter. If, for example, you create an export called “All Applicant Data” in the new cycle, and then attempt to transfer an export from the previous cycle with the same name, the template will not carry forward.

Initiate the Transfer Settings process before creating features in the new cycle, or at least be sure any newly created items do not use the same name as items from the previous cycle. 

In 2020 Release 7, a new enhancement requiring unique list names was released. If you transfer lists with the same name, those lists will be renamed with a unique suffix (e.g., Submitted Apps 456462).

  1. Several templates in WebAdMIT for AMCAS have a visibility option. Depending upon the CAS, this means they can either be set to be visible to all users or to just the user who created them, or to users within a specific Work Group. Features with this functionality include:

  • Lists
  • Exports
  • PDF Manager templates
  • Email Templates

If you wish to transfer these items, either set them to “visible by Everyone” or share them with the WebAdMIT Administrators Work Group, depending upon your CAS. If your CAS is transitioning to sharing these templates by Work Group in a new cycle, remember to:

  • Set all templates to "visible by Everyone" in the previous cycle, before initiating the transfer settings.
  • Edit all templates after the transfer settings in the new cycle to share with the applicable Work Groups.
  • When you create new lists, reports, exports, and PDF templates in the new cycle, you can set the Work Group permissions then.

Lists, Exports, PDF Manager templates, or Email Templates that are private or inaccessible to the person initiating the transfer will not copy into the new cycle. 

Templates without a visibility option are applied to specific programs. This means they are activated for programs of your choosing. Features with this functionality include:

  • Custom Fields
  • Local Status
  • Local GPAs
  • Prerequisite GPAs
  • Requirements
  • Scoring
  • Assignments
  • Interviewing
  • Email Addresses
  1. Template transfers are impacted by a user’s program access. For example, if the template is active for programs A, B, and C, but you only have access to programs A and B, then the template will automatically be activated for programs A and B, but not program C.

Ensure that the user who initiates the transfer has access to all programs in the previous and new cycles, to avoid any discrepancies. Also, review all templates after the transfer to ensure that they are assigned to the correct program(s).

  1. Admissions users' accounts have the new cycle added to their account and Work Groups re-assigned after the transfer, but do not have any programs selected under Program Assignments.

Review your users' accounts and select any programs that they need access to under Program Assignments.

  1. Custom questions that are included in List and Export templates do not need to be re-added in the new cycle. For example, you built question A for your program in the Configuration Portal for the CSDCAS 2021-2022 cycle and included question A field in a List and Export in WebAdMIT. Question A will carry forward in your Lists and Exports in the CSDCAS 2022-2023 cycle in WebAdMIT. 

Your questions must remain from cycle to cycle in order to transfer (i.e., you cannot delete the question). If you delete the question and re-add it in the Configuration Portal, the question field will not be included in Lists and Exports because it is considered a new question.

  1. Applicant-facing prerequisites built in the Configuration Portal and Applicant Gateway questions are not included in List or Export templates and will need to be re-added in the new cycle. For example, you built prerequisite A for your program in the Configuration Portal for the CSDCAS 2021-2022 cycle and included prerequisite A field in a List and Export in WebAdMIT. Prerequisite A is cycle-specific, and therefore doesn't carry forward into the CSDCAS 2022-2023 cycle in WebAdMIT. 

If you choose to include the same prerequisite in the Configuration Portal or Applicant Gateway question for the new cycle, you will need to edit your List and Export and re-add that same field.

  1. The Program-scoped Transfer Settings feature automatically activates your templates for the same program(s) that they were activated for in the previous cycle.

Review the Program-scoped Transfer Settings section below, which explains why and how templates will be automatically activated for certain programs.

  1. Once the transfer is complete, you may need to perform additional edits.

After transferring your templates, be sure to review them to ensure they transferred correctly. Discrepancies can occur if the application was updated and new data was collected from applicants. Review Lists and Exports to confirm if updates are needed. Program-specific fields created in the Configuration Portal and Applicant Gateway are not included in the transfer and will need to be re-added to Lists and Exports. Templates and data within templates may also be listed in a different order than the previous cycle.

Program-scoped Transfer Settings

The Program-scoped Transfer Settings feature automatically activates your templates for the same program(s) that they were activated for in the previous cycle. This is especially helpful if your organization offers multiple programs within a CAS. For the Program-scoped Transfer Settings feature to work, your program must be linked to a program from a previous cycle. WebAdMIT can then identify matching programs across cycles. Additionally, consider the following:



  1. Templates without a visibility option are impacted by the Institution Manager's program access when settings are transferred. These templates include: 

  • Custom Fields
  • Local Status
  • Local GPAs
  • Prerequisite GPAs
  • Requirements
  • Scoring
  • Assignments
  • Interviewing
  • Email Addresses

For example, if the template is active for program A and you have access to programs A and B, then the template will automatically be activated for program A. However, if the template is active for program A and you have access to program B, then the template will not automatically be activated for program A.

Additionally, if a template is only active for program A in the previous cycle, but program A doesn't have a matching program in the new cycle, and the user who is initiating the transfer has access to programs B and C, then the template will automatically be activated for programs B and C. For Assignments and Interviewing templates, if they don't have a matching program in the new cycle, then they will carry forward but be deactivated. You can reactivate them and select the programs they need to be activated for.

  1. Admissions users' accounts have the new cycle added to their account and Work Groups re-assigned. The programs selected under Program Assignments are impacted by a user's program access when settings are transferred.

For example, if an admissions user's account has program A selected under Program Assignments, and you have access to programs A and B, then the admissions user's account will automatically have program A selected after you run the Transfer Settings. However, if an admissions user's account has program A selected under Program Assignments, and you have access to program B, then the admissions user's account will not automatically have program A selected.

  1. For the Program-scoped Transfer Settings feature to work, your programs must be linked to a previous cycle’s program within the same CAS. If your program existed in a previous cycle, that link is automatically established when programs are transferred into a new cycle by the Liaison team or by you through the Import Program feature. 

    If your program is new, contact a member of your account team to set up this link.

    If this link is not established, then the templates associated with the program in the previous cycle will not automatically be activated for the same program in the new cycle.

For example, if program A isn't linked across cycles, then templates selected for program A in the previous cycle will not automatically be activated for it in the new cycle.

  1. If your CAS allows applicants to be deferred from one cycle to the next, the applicants must be placed in the Deferred Decision Code in the previous cycle before the transfer is initiated. These applicants are then placed in the Deferral application status in the new cycle. Additionally, the programs must be linked across cycles; otherwise, the applicant will not carry forward into the new cycle. 

    Review the Deferring Applicants via Transfer Settings guide for more information on deferring applicants. 

For example, suppose an applicant applied to Program A in the previous cycle. To ensure the applicant carries forward into the new cycle, Program A must be linked across the previous and new cycles.

Note that for deferred applicants in the new cycle, only the Applicant Header, Contact Information, and Designations panels will contain data.

Initiating the Transfer Settings Process

To initiate the Transfer Settings:

  1. Locate the Transfer Settings from Previous Setup panel in the center section of the Dashboard. This feature is available at the beginning of a new cycle and accessible to only Institution Managers who are in the WebAdMIT Administrators Work Group.

    Click the link to initiate a transfer settings for a new cycle
  2. Click Click here to initiate a settings transfer..., then review the templates that will be carried over.

    Transfer Settings Review Mar 2023.png
  3. When you are finished, approve the transfer.

    Transfer Settings Approve Mar 2023.png

Get Ready Checklist

Use the recommended checklist below to follow your progress through each Transfer Settings process. Download and print the PDF checklist here.




4-6 months before the new cycle starts

Review your program(s) and delete any that you aren't using and don't want to be carried forward into the new cycle.

Configuration Portal

2-3 months before the new cycle starts

Look for an email alerting you that the Configuration Portal has opened.

Configuration Portal

2 months before the new cycle starts

Review all templates created by you and other users and delete/deactivate any that you are not using and do not want to be carried forward into the new cycle.


2 months before the new cycle starts

Instruct all users in WebAdMIT for AMCAS to change any Lists, Exports, PDF Manager templates, and Email Templates to be “visible by Everyone” or shared with the WebAdMIT Administrators Work Group if they would like to have these items carried forward into the new cycle.


1-2 months before the new cycle starts

Review your program(s) and make any changes as needed. Submit your program(s) for review and alert a member of your account team.

Configuration Portal

1 month before the new cycle starts

Decide who is the Institution Manager for your organization. Ensure that they are listed as an Institution Manager and placed in the WebAdMIT Administrators Work Group for the previous and new cycles. This person can:

  • Initiate the transfer for your organization. They will become the owner of the transferred Lists, Exports, and PDF Manager templates and will have editing and deletion abilities. Also, ensure that they have access to all programs in the previous and new cycles.
  • Edit all users' accounts to ensure they are placed in the appropriate Work Groups and have the appropriate program(s) added to their account.


Day of the new cycle start

Look out for an email alerting you that the CAS application and WebAdMIT for AMCAS have opened.


First week after the new cycle starts

Look for the Transfer Settings from Previous Setup panel on the Dashboard. Alert the individual who will be transferring your settings that this is available.


After the transfer has completed

Check all features to ensure they carried forward correctly, and make edits as needed.



I approved the Transfer Settings, but I don't want some of my templates to carry over. What do I do?

Once you click Approve settings transfer, you can't change which templates will carry over. You can deactivate or delete templates once they appear in your new cycle, or rebuild templates that were not originally included in the transfer.

Why didn't my program custom prerequisites or Applicant Gateway fields carry over in my List and Export templates?

These fields are tied to the program in the Configuration Portal or Applicant Gateway and are therefore cycle-specific. You will need to add the new program prerequisites you created in the Configuration Portal or Applicant Gateway questions for the new cycle to your templates.

Why do I have to edit templates in the new cycle?

Transfer Settings is designed to help you save time and effort in the new cycle, but it is not a perfect copy of your settings from the previous year. Moreover, admissions processes change from cycle to cycle, and templates that you used in the previous cycle might not reflect your new needs. For this reason, all templates should be reviewed to ensure that the correct fields and criteria are included. Examples of features to review include:

  • Dates and attachments in Email Templates
  • Program-specific fields in Lists and Exports
  • Work Groups, Lists, and panels settings in PDF Manager templates
  • Operators and criteria values in Lists
  • Order of templates in Local Statuses, Lists, Custom Fields, and Email Templates
  • Order of questions in Assignments and Interviews
I used to own a List in a previous cycle, but after Transfer Settings, another user owns it in the new cycle. How do I edit it now?

The person who initiates the Transfer Settings for your organization becomes the owner of the transferred Lists, Exports, and PDF Manager templates and has editing and deletion abilities. If other users wish to edit or delete these items, they can use the Copy feature to create and edit their own copies of these items.

My colleague ran Transfer Settings, but now I can't see Lists and Exports in the new cycle. What happened?

Your CAS is now using a new enhancement, where Lists, Exports, Reports, and PDF Manager templates are scoped by Work Group. More information about this enhancement is in the 2017 Sprint 20 Release Notes and 2019 Release 3 Notes. The user who initiated the Transfer Setting must edit the List, Export, Report, and PDF Manager templates in the new cycle and choose which Work Groups can access them.

Another user at my institution initiated the Transfer Settings. Can I undo/redo that?

No, Transfer Settings can only be used by a single user once per cycle for each organization. Transfer Settings can't be undone or reset either.

I have access to the new cycle but can't see any applicants. What should I do?

To view applicants in WebAdMIT, you must be placed in a Work Group and have programs selected under Program Assignments. You can check if your account is correctly set up under Account in the top right of the Dashboard. If your account needs to be edited, either contact your institution's main user (i.e., Institution Manager) or the Client Support Specialist team.

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