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Assigning and Reviewing Applications

Assigning Applications Order of Operations

Before you begin assigning applications to reviewers, you'll want to do the following:

  1. Create your review forms 
  2. Link them to phases.

Once a review form is associated with a phase, you can then begin assigning applications for review. 

These steps automate your workflow by connecting reviewers and evaluation forms to specific phases. When you move applicants into a phase, the designated reviewers are automatically assigned to review the applicants and complete the evaluation form.

Assigning Applications

There are two primary ways to assign applications for review: 

  • Option 1: manually assign an application to specific reviewers.
  • Option 2: link reviewers to phases so that when you change a phase, the application is automatically sent to the reviewers. This option is a more standard, efficient way of assigning applications.

Note: you can also use these options to assign reviews to yourself. 

Option 1: Manually Assign an Application

  1. To manually assign an application to a reviewer, you'll first need to place the application in an Application Review phase, either from the Application Preview on the applications grid or from the full application
    • From the preview on the applications grid:

      ResidencyCAS Program Portal Phase Change 1.png
    • Or, from the full application: 

      ResidencyCAS Program Portal Phase Change 2.png
  2. Next, open the More Options Menu (three vertical dots) and select Assign (if the assign option does not appear, it means there isn't a review form associated with the phase the applicant is currently in).  
    • From the preview on the applications grid: 

      ResidencyCAS Program Portal Assign 1.png
    • Or, from the full application: 

      ResidencyCAS Program Portal Assign 2.png
  3. Select the reviewers, then click Apply. The reviewers will receive a daily email summarizing their progress on any assigned reviews.  

    ResidencyCAS Program Portal Select Reviewers.png
Manually Assigning Multiple Applications

You can perform the same two-step process outlined above with groups of applicants. 

  1. From the applications grid, select the applicants, then use the Phase button in the bottom menu to change them to a review phase. 

    ResidencyCAS Program Portal Phase Change 3.png
  2. Once the applicants are in the Application Review phase, select them again and use Assign button in the bottom menu to assign them to reviewers (if the assign option does not appear, it means there isn't a review form associated with the phase the applicant is currently in).  

    ResidencyCAS Program Portal Assign 3.png

Option 2: Link Reviewers to Phases

When you link reviewers to phases, you create a more standard, efficient way of assigning applications. With this method, you only need to change the phase to automatically assign the application to reviewers. 

To use this process, you'll need to:

  1. Create your forms
  2. Configure phases – this step is where you link your review forms and review teams to specific phases. 

Once you've completed these actions, you can simply perform phase changes as described above. 

Reviewing Applications

When you assign an application to a reviewer, it becomes available in the Review Portal. Program directors and managers can opt to complete their reviews either in the Review Portal or directly in the Program Portal. By default, access to the Review Portal is initially disabled for Program directors and managers. To enable it, navigate to the users section, open the user's account, and then enable the Review Portal in the Portals section. Once enabled, you can navigate to the Review Portal via the portal switcher.

ResidencyCAS Program Portal - Portal Switcher.png

If you prefer to review an assigned application directly in the Program Portal, you can open the application and use the Review Tab to complete any review forms. Note that a review form only appears here if the applicant is in a phase currently associated with a review.

ResidencyCAS Program Portal Review Tab.png

Accessing Completed Reviews

Once a review is completed, you can access it in the Program Portal via the application sidebar. 

ResidencyCAS Program Portal Sidebar.png

Disabling Assignment Notification Emails

To help reviewers stay up-to-date on their progress completing reviews, daily assignment notifications are sent by default. If you don't want a user to receive notifications for review assignments, you can edit the user's account

  1. Navigate to the Settings menu, open the Organization section. 
  2. Find and click the User.  
  3. Enable the Opt out of assignment summary emails option.
  4. Click Save Changes
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