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TargetX Builder Overview

TargetX Builder is an interface for Administrators to build the following:

  • Campaign Builder includes a Dashboard of Broadcasts sent within a selected period, a Campaigns tab to create or edit Email Campaigns, a Template Builder for creating Email Templates, a Recipients tab that includes tools to build Query Lists to define email recipients and a link to Email Preferences.
  • Engage facilitates the management of ‘walk-in’ meetings at different locations across campus. Administrators can configure various meeting rooms and available staff.
  • Faculty Early Alerts provide an easy way for your Faculty members to provide early alerts and kudos from their roster, so advisors can take appropriate action/intervention. 
  • Group Assignments allow you to assign ownership of new and updated records to one or more people based on assignment groups.
  • Portal Builder enables you to deliver content and targeted messages to your constituents and publish to a Community.
  • Success Scores allows Administrators to configure scores for selected Cohorts of students based on relevant risk/success factors. 
  • Travel Planner provides the ability to group travel events into a Trip, allowing Users to view Trip records, individually or in aggregate, by staff, location, and date. 
  • TX Forms is a versatile tool designed to create simple forms tailored for Event Registration, Inquiries, and beyond.

You may see multiple active/inactive tiles depending on the features you can access. 

TargetX Builder Landing


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