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Release 11 – December 8, 2024

New Features and Enhancements

CAS Applicant Portal Enhancements

Disclaimer: on rare occasions, a new feature or enhancement may be moved to a future release or otherwise subject to change.

Updated Detailed Military Status Question

This enhancement is automatically available for use by all CASs and participating programs using the detailed Military Status question. No action is required on the part of any association, school, or program. Contact a member of your account team for more information.

Some CASs include a detailed Military Status question (i.e., asking the applicant if they have military experience and any applicable details such as branch, dates served, etc.) in the Other Information section. With this enhancement, if an applicant selects Not a member of the military when indicating their military experience, all additional questions (e.g., branch, dates served, etc.) are hidden. Previously, these additional questions appeared but were optional. This enhancement removes potential applicant confusion and incorrect data collection.

This enhancement was inspired by user feedback via the Ideas Portal.

CAS Configuration Portal Enhancements

The following enhancements are now available in the CAS Configuration Portal. If you have any questions about these features, contact a member of your account team or support.

Disclaimer: on rare occasions, a new feature or enhancement may be moved to a future release or otherwise subject to change.

Additional Fields Added to Export File

This enhancement is automatically available for use by all CASs and participating programs. No action is required on the part of any association, school, or program. Contact a member of your account team for more information.

You can download program data using the Export button on the Organization Details page. With this enhancement, the following fields have been added to all worksheets to help clarify data within the file:

  • Program Code*
  • WebAdMIT Name
  • Start Term
  • Track*

*These fields may have different names or collect different information in your CAS; contact a member of your account team to learn more.

WebAdMIT Enhancements

The following enhancements are now available in WebAdMIT. If you have any questions about these features, contact a member of your account team or support.

Disclaimer: on rare occasions, a new feature or enhancement may be moved to a future release or otherwise subject to change.

Readability Improvements for Application Notes

This enhancement is automatically available for use by all CASs and participating programs. No action is required on the part of any association, school, or program. Contact a member of your account team for more information.

The Notes panel on the Applicant Details page allows you to add internal, custom notes to applications. To improve readability, you can now add line breaks and carriage returns, which WebAdMIT will keep in both the Applicant Details page and Export Manager when saved. Previously, WebAdMIT removed the formatting when saving the note.

Dental Schools Attended ID (Internal) Field Available in Export Manager

This enhancement is automatically available for use by ADEA AADSAS, ADEA CAAPID, ADEA DHCAS, and ADEA PASS. No action is required on the part of any association, school, or program. Contact a member of your account team for more information.

ADEA CAS users can now export the Dental Schools Attended ID (Internal) field through the Export Manager. This ID correlates to a unique college from the Dental Schools Attended college list in the CAS Applicant Portal.

This field works similarly to the Colleges Attended ID (Internal) field, and both are helpful to data integrations.

Coming Soon: Updated IP Addresses for Production Environment

This enhancement is automatically available for use by all CASs and participating programs. No action is required on the part of any association, school, or program. Contact a member of your account team for more information.

WebAdMIT will have a planned migration of IP addresses for the production (i.e., live) environment. This migration is scheduled for Sunday, January 12, 2025 and WebAdMIT will be unavailable during this migration.

If you safe-listed the entire range of IP addresses (available on the Technical Requirements page), you do not need to make any changes.

If you safe-listed a smaller set of IP addresses, you should notify your IT department and either safe-list the entire range or the new smaller set. Contact a member of your account team for the smaller set of IP addresses.

Note that the IP address changes impact inbound traffic only (e.g., sending data into WebAdMIT using the WebAdMIT API); IP addresses for outbound traffic are not affected.

New Documentation for WebAdMIT

Please review the list of new reference guides, all accessible in the WebAdMIT Help Center.



Creating and Managing Your WebAdMIT Account

We've consolidated creating and managing your WebAdMIT account information into a separate guide so you can more easily search for and find help with your account.

Reviewing Applicants with Competing Offers and Shared Decisions

Several CASs offer Decision Code reports, which include programs' competing offers made and accepted and shared decision data; these are accessible under the Applicants panel in the Menu Bar. This new page explains more about these unique reports and how to use them effectively.

CAS Configuration Portal Help Center

The CAS Configuration Portal Help Center has been refreshed with updated screenshots, page layouts, and a new article on closing, archiving, and deleting programs.

Ongoing Maintenance

Please review the list of scheduled downtime/maintenance and product updates.




Sandbox Environment Refresh

November 29, 2024

The WebAdMIT Sandbox environment ( was refreshed with current (cleansed) production data and program configurations. Any test exports, custom fields, etc., in the current sandbox were overwritten.

The next sandbox environment refresh is scheduled for January 3, 2025.

Coming Soon!

Please review the list of upcoming events, including product updates and regional training opportunities.




Shared Lookup Table Updates for Spring 2025

March 2025

Many fields in the Applicant Portal contain predefined answer values that applicants can select; for example, the Country and County fields both have predefined answer values. These values are housed in shared "lookup tables" which are viewable in your CAS's/UniCAS's data dictionary file.

Lookup table change requests can be sent to a member of your account team, who will compile and review these requests. New lookup table values will appear in the CAS Applicant Portal in March 2025 (subject to change).

Visit the Shared Lookup Table Updates page for more information.

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