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Communities Upgrade

Step 1 - Record the Current Package Version 

​Prior to upgrading, you will need to find and record your currently installed version:

  1. Navigate to Setup > Installed Packages
  2. Search for TargetX Communities
  3. Record your current version number

Note: ​if your current version is 2411.1, you are on the most recent package and should proceed to the Application Review Upgrade. See also: How can I tell which version of Communities I'm on when I 'manually' upgrade Communities.

Step 2 - Choose an Upgrade Path 

Communities is an unmanaged package. You have two options to upgrade the Communities package:

Upgrade Path Option 1:  Delete and Reinstall Communities

With this option, you will need to Uninstall the existing Communities package and install the latest package. You will need to reapply any customizations you had previously applied. 

Tip: Take screenshots, or copy them to Notepad, to document your page names/assignments before uninstalling Communities.

Item 2: Check for the Custom Object tab 
  1. Navigate to Setup and search for Tabs.
  2. Check to see if you have a Custom Object tab for Community Themes.
    • If you do NOT have the tab, proceed to the next step.
    • If you DO have the tab, Delete the tab and then proceed to the next step.
    • If you DO have the tab but do NOT have the option to Delete it, proceed to the next step.
Item 3: Install the Upgraded Package Edit section

This is your "ending version" (i.e., the version you want to upgrade to). You can select any version that's higher than your current package version. Packages are cumulative, meaning the upgraded package you select includes all features from previous packages. For example, if you're upgrading from Package A to Package D, that package includes all features from Packages B and C. 

  1. Navigate to TargetX Recruitment Suite: Admin Group or  TargetX Online App: Admin Group to select and obtain the upgraded package. 
  2. Choose "Install for Admins Only.
    • Remember to update the appropriate Profiles and Permission Sets if additional security is required.
Item 4: Reapply Community Settings
  1. Navigate to Setup and search for Digital Experiences (formerly All Communities).
  2. Select the Workspaces link for the Community you want to review.
  3. Click Administration, then Members.
  4. Add your Community User profile to the list of selected profiles (make sure you also leave the system administrator there).
  5. Select Save.
  6. Under the Administration tab on the left, select login & registration
  7. Under "Login," select VisualForce Page.
  8. Select the TX_CommunitiesLogin Visualforce page for your login page
  9. Under the "Password" section
  10. Under Forgot Password, select Visualforce Page
  11. Select TX_ForgotPassword
  12. Under Change Password select Visualforce Page
  13. Select TX_ChangePassword
  14. Under "Registration," click "Allow external users to self-register."
  15. Select VisualForce Page.
  16. Select TX_CommunitiesSelfReg as the self registration VisualForce page.
  17. Under "Assign Registering Users to," choose the Community User profile and Community User Account. If you don't see these profiles, select view ALL.
  18. Select Save.
  19. Choose Email on the left, and update to the appropriate email address.
Item 5: Reapply your Customizations 

If you are unsure about what customizations you have, you can save the Visualforce pages as text documents to use as a backup after upgrading. You can then use a free tool like to view the differences between your 'backup' file and the updated components.

Item 6: Enable CAPTCHA 

CAPTCHA was introduced in the 1902.0 version of Communities. Follow the steps to Configure CAPTCHA for the Online Application.

Item 7: Your upgrade is complete. 

Do not proceed to Upgrade Path Option 2. You may proceed to the Application Review Upgrade.

Upgrade Path Option 2: Manually add the code changes via a Change Set

If you completed all the steps for Upgrade Path Option 1, you do not need to complete the following changes. With Option 2, you do not install a new package but manually apply the latest changes to the unmanaged package using the information below. If you choose this option, you must complete the steps in a sandbox environment before pushing to production via an Outbound Change Set.

Your starting package version number determines what, if any, additional configuration steps may be required. Please click the link for your initial version number (identified in Step 1 above) from the list below. You will be directed to the first step required for your upgrade and should complete all steps that follow. If you do not see your version number listed, please get in touch with the TargetX Support team. 


Starting Version

This is the version you currently have installed, as Identified in Step 1.

Ending Version

This is the upgrade you are installing, as selected in Step 2.  

Configuration Steps by Release

These are the steps you need to complete, from the starting version to the ending version. For example, if your starting version is 2205.0 (May '22) and you're upgrading to 2208.6 (August '22), you'll need to complete the configuration steps for 2206.3 (June '22), 2207.0 (July '22), and 2208.6 (August '22). 


2210.0 (October '22)

Item 1: Replace the TX_TestCommunities Apex Class

  1. Navigate to Setup and search for Apex Classes.
  2. Click Edit next to the TX_TestCommunities class.
  3. Replace the file with the updated file located here.
  4. If you have customizations, follow these steps:
    • Change the first line to: 
  • Select the Test Method:
public static testMethod void testNoRole()
  • Find the following line in the test method:
System.assertEquals(ApexPages.getMessages()[0].getDetail(), 'Account Owner Missing Role');
  • Delete the above line and replace it with the following:
 Boolean foundError = false;
        for(ApexPages.Message message: ApexPages.getMessages()) {
            if(message.getDetail() == 'Account Owner Missing Role') {
                foundError = true;
        System.assert(foundError, '\'Account Owner Missing Role\' error not found');
  1. Save your changes.


2211.0 (November '22)

Item 1: Update the TX_SiteLogin component

  1. Navigate to Setup and search for Visualforce components
  2. Click Edit next to the TX_SiteLogin component.
  3. Find the following line and change the aria-live tag to assertive:
<div role="alert" aria-live="rude" aria-hidden="false"  class="aria-alert" id="alertZone">

Updated line:

<div role="alert" aria-live="assertive" aria-hidden="false" class="aria-alert" id="alertZone">
  1. Remove the role tag from the following lines:
<div class="targetx-application-form-slides" role="main">

<h1 class="targetx-application-form-title" role="banner">Sign In</h1>

Updated lines:

<div class="targetx-application-form-slides">

<h1 class="targetx-application-form-title">Sign In</h1>
  1. Save your changes.

Item 2: Update the TX_CommunitiesProvision Visualforce page

  1. Navigate to Setup and search for Visualforce pages
  2. Click Edit next to the TX_CommunitiesProvision page.
  3. Add a role and aria-label to the following line:
<div class="targetx-header-university-icon"></div>

Updated line:

<div role="img" class="targetx-header-university-icon" aria-label="Logo"></div>
  1. Save your changes.

Item 3: Update the TX_CommunitiesTemplate Visualforce page

  1. Navigate to Setup and search for Visualforce pages.
  2. Click Edit next to the TX_CommunitiesTemplate page.
  3. Add a role and aria-label to the following line:
<div class="targetx-header-university-icon"></div>

Updated line:

<div role="img" class="targetx-header-university-icon" aria-label="Logo"></div>
  1.  Remove the user-scalable value from the meta tag in the following line:
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, user-scalable=0"></meta>

Updated line:

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"></meta>
  1. Find the <body> and </body> tags, and add corresponding <main> and </main> tags:
  1. Save your changes.
2211.0 2402.0 (February '24)

Item 1: Update TX_AutocompleteController Apex Class

In this step, you’ll update the TX_AutocompleteController Apex class to public without sharing:

  1. Navigate to Setup and search for Apex Classes.
  2. Select Edit for TX_AutocompleteController.
  3. Update the first line from with to without

Original line:

public with sharing class TX_AutocompleteController { 

Updated line:

public without sharing class TX_AutocompleteController { 

4.     Save your changes.

Item 2: Updates for School Picker

In this step, you will verify if you are using Record Type filtering for Account in sharing settings and make necessary updates:

  1. Navigate to Setup and search for Sharing Settings.
  2. Under Manage sharing settings for, select Account.
  3. There will be a list of Sharing Settings; look for any Sharing Settings that share Accounts with Guest Site Users related to Communities Sign Up.
  4. Review the criteria to see if there is Account: Record Type = ...
  5. If there is no Record Type criteria, no updates are needed.
  6. If there is Record Type criteria, copy the Record Type Name.
  7. Update the TX_AutocompleteController apex class to include these Record Type names as criteria in the School Picker filter:
    1. Navigate to Setup and search for Apex Classes.
    2. Locate the TX_AutocompleteController and select Edit.
    3. Add the Record Type Names as criteria:

private static final String WHERECLAUSE = 'TargetX_SRMb__School_Level__c IN (\'Secondary\', \'Higher\') AND RecordType.Name IN (\'College\', \'High School\')';

2402.0 2411.1 (November '24)

Item 1: Update TX_CommunitiesSelfRegController Apex Class

  1. Navigate to Setup and search for Apex Classes. 
  2. Locate TX_CommunitiesSelfRegController and click Edit
  3. Locate the following line (around line 72): 
//if(cs.size() == 0 && !hasDuplicateUser(email)) cs = insertContactFirst() ; 
  1. Add the following line after the above line:
if(cs.size() > 0 && cs[0].AccountId != null && String.isBlank(accountId)) accountId = cs[0].AccountId;
  1. Updated lines:

TargetX_TX_CommunitiesSelfRegController Nov24 update.png

  1. Save your changes.
Item 4: Test the Changes in Your Sandbox 
  1. Login to your Community using an existing test user.
  2. Verify they can create an Application, submit payment, etc.
  3. Register a new test user.
  4. Verify they can create an Application, submit payment, etc.
  5. Test any additional processes that are important to your institution.
Item 5: Create an Outbound Change Set
  1. Navigate to Setup and search for Outbound Change Sets.
  2. Select New.
  3. Name the Change Set, for example, Community Upgrade February '24.
  4. Add a Description and Save your changes.
  5. In the Change Set Components section, select Add.
  6. Select a Component Type of Visualforce Page or Apex Class, depending on your changes.
  7. Click the checkboxes for the Apex Classes, Visualforce Components, or Visualforce Pages you updated in previous steps, depending on your starting version. For example:
    Upgrading from 2206.0 Visualforce Page:
    • TX_ChangePassword
    Upgrading from 2209.0 Apex Class:
    • TX_TestCommunities
    Upgrading from 2210.0 Component:
    • TX_SiteLogin

    Visualforce Page:

    • TX_CommunitiesProvision
    • TX_CommunitiesTemplate
    Upgrading from 2211.0

    Apex Class:

    • TX_AutocompleteController
    Upgrading from 2402.0

    Apex Class:

    • TX_CommunitiesSelfRegController

Note: If you need to create the additional Apex Classes from the article listed above, check the boxes for those as well:

  • TX_FLSChk
  • TX_testTools
  • TX_FLSChk_Test
Item 6: Upload your Change Set
  1. From the Change Set, you created above, select the Org to which you want to send the Change Set.
  2. Click Upload.

Note: Uploading the Change Set will send it to the Target Org; it will NOT make changes in your production Org until you Deploy the Change Set.

Item 7: Validate the Change Set in your Production Org 
  1. Login to your production Org.
  2. Navigate to Setup and search for Inbound Change Sets.
  3. The Change Set you uploaded should be available under Change Sets Awaiting Deployment.
  4. Click the Change Set you want to deploy.
  5. Click Validate.


Item 8: Deploy the Change Set in your Production Org 
  1. Login to your production Org.
  2. Navigate to Setup and search for Inbound Change Sets.
  3. The Change Set you uploaded should be available under Change Sets Awaiting Deployment.
  4. Click the Change Set you want to deploy.
  5. Click Deploy. For additional information on deploying Change Sets, please see Salesforce Help & Training article "Deploying a Change Set"
Item 9: Your upgrade is complete 

No further configuration is required. You may proceed to the Application Review Upgrade.


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