UTSA Graduate School Program User Guide
This guide provides you with documentation, reference guides, and direct links that answer common admissions questions about the UTSA Graduate School Applicant Portal, Configuration Portal, and WebAdMIT. It also contains resources that may help you work more efficiently throughout your admissions process. If you have additional questions or need further assistance, please contact a member of your account team.
Cycle Timeframes
Applicant Portal
The Applicant Portal opens in early August and closes in early June, over a 22-month period. You can view the specific cycle dates, including final processing dates (e.g., last date to request letters of recommendation, etc.), on the UTSA Graduate School Application Cycle Dates page.
Configuration Portal
Between mid-March and mid-July, configurations are entered into the prelaunch environment. The account team and UTSA review submitted configurations in late July.
You can view new applicants shortly after the new cycle opens in early August and initiate a transfer settings.
Program Participation Requirements
UTSA requires all programs to designate two contacts at your institution who will receive all communication from UTSA Graduate School, including the configuration, application, and WebAdMIT launch notifications.
Applicant Portal
The first three sections of the UTSA Graduate School application (i.e., Personal Information, Academic History, and Supporting Information) compose the core application. They contain questions that are commonly asked of applicants across all participating programs, such as an applicant's biographic information, standardized test scores, and experiences. The fourth section of the application is Program Materials, which is customized by you through the Configuration Portal (discussed in the next section).
You can access the UTSA Graduate School application and UTSA Graduate School Applicant Help Center to review the applicant experience. You can also create a test application in the Applicant Portal; we recommend creating a new account and adding "test" to your name (e.g., TestJohn TestDoe).
For a general overview of the applicant experience, review the following documents:
- Applicant Processing Reference Guide: learn how applicants move through the application and Liaison processes applicant materials, such as transcripts and official test scores.
- Application Statuses Reference Guide: review what each application status means and how you can interact with applicants at different stages.
- Review the requirements for the UTSA Graduate School Complete application status.
- UTSA Graduate School Quick Start Guide and FAQs: a suggested timeline for completing and submitting the application, links to important pages including cycle dates and fees, and a FAQs section.
You can direct any applicant inquiries related to the application to UTSA Graduate School Customer Service.
Configuration Portal
Use the Configuration Portal Quick Start Guide to make sure you configure your program(s) efficiently and completely in the prelaunch environment. Be sure to check out your CAS's configuration options and review the best practices found throughout. If any optional sections of the application are required for your program (e.g., experiences, test scores, etc.), you'll want to note this on your program home page.
Once you've configured your program, you'll need to have it approved by the account team and UTSA before it is available to applicants. If your program is reviewed after the cycle launches, your association will approve it.
Review the WebAdMIT Help Center for any questions related to working in WebAdMIT. The Reference Guides and WebAdMIT Training and Support sections are additional resources as you configure WebAdMIT for your needs. Documents commonly requested include:
- Application Coupons Reference Guide: learn how to request coupons to offset application fees and disperse them to applicants.
- Application Coupon Codes FAQs: review answers to frequently asked questions about offering coupon codes.
- Data Dictionaries and Master Code Lists: a comprehensive list of all fields available in the Export Manager and Report Manager, including associated lookup tables.
- Deferring Applicants via Transfer Settings: learn how to transfer deferred applicants from one cycle to the next.
- Integration Help Center and WebAdMIT API: learn how to set up an API and schedule automatic data exports from WebAdMIT into your SIS/ERP.
- Manual Designations: learn how to add additional programs (i.e., designations) to an application in WebAdMIT.
- Transfer Settings Guide: a review of how programs and templates built in WebAdMIT are carried forward each cycle.
The Release Notes feature new enhancements in the Applicant Portal, Applicant Gateway, Configuration Portal, Liaison Letters, and WebAdMIT, in addition to upcoming training opportunities.
For any questions, contact the Client Support Specialist Team.
Cycle Enhancements
The table below contains enhancements for UTSA for the cycle timeframes noted at the top of this page. Note that some sections have multiple enhancements. If an action is required by participating programs to use the enhancement, click the links under Enhancement Details to learn more. Additional enhancements may have been automatically released; review the Release Notes to learn more.
Portal |
Section |
Enhancement Details |
Implementation |
Availability |
Applicant Portal |
Academic History – UTSA ID |
The UTSA ID question was updated. |
No action required by participating programs to use this enhancement. |
Available at cycle launch |
Applicant Portal |
Academic History – Colleges Attended |
The instructional text was updated to better assist applicants. |
No action required by participating programs to use this enhancement. |
Available at cycle launch |
Applicant Portal |
Academic History – Transcript Acknowledgement |
The Transcript Acknowledgement statement text was updated. Additionally, applicants can now indicate whether they will order ECE evaluations via the application or attach a evaluations from a NACES-approved provider. |
No action required by participating programs to use this enhancement. |
Available at cycle launch |
Applicant Portal |
Academic History – Standardized Tests |
Applicants can now self-report GMAT Focus test scores. |
No action required by participating programs to use this enhancement. |
Available at cycle launch |
Applicant Portal |
Supporting Information – Documents |
Applicants can now upload Foreign Credential Evaluations (non-ECE) and Unofficial Foreign Transcripts in the Documents section. |
No action required by participating programs to use this enhancement. |
Available at cycle launch |
Configuration Portal |
Program Details Question Rules |
Select users with the Config. Portal Live Editing Access role can edit active and closed programs through the Configuration Portal, such as:
Action required by participating programs choosing to use this enhancement. |
Available now |
Configuration Portal |
Question Rules |
The Change Deadline and Program Availability rules can now be built at the organization level, meaning that they can be applied to some or all programs under an organization. |
Action required by participating programs choosing to use this enhancement. |
Available now |
Liaison Letters | Delegates | Recommenders (i.e., evaluators, references) can designate assistants or "delegates" to help them submit their letters of recommendation on their behalf through Liaison Letters. Recommenders are still responsible for writing an applicant’s letter of recommendation. | No action required by participating programs to use this enhancement. | Available now |
WebAdMIT |
Work Groups |
In WebAdMIT, you can configure Work Groups to allow users to see specific panels on the Applicant Details Page. With this enhancement (from Release 11, 2023) if you remove access to a panel for a Work Group, the fields in that panel are also not available for the Work Group to see when creating exports, lists, or PDF manager templates. For example, if the Race and Ethnicity subpanel is not enabled for a Work Group, its members will not see the information from that panel when creating an export, and will not be able to create filters in List Manager using any of the fields from that panel. As a result of this enhancement, reports that are not shared with Work Groups from the Report Settings page will be inaccessible to anyone who is not a WebAdMIT Administrator. Review the How Work Groups Impact Access to Features and Fields documentation to learn more about the impacts of this enhancement. |
No action required by participating programs to use this enhancement. |
Available at cycle launch |
WebAdMIT |
Export Manager List Manager |
The TOEFL Official PBT fields were removed. If you have exports and lists that include this field, you will want to review and update them as necessary. |
No action required by participating programs to use this enhancement. |
Available at cycle launch |
The table below contains enhancements for UTSA for the cycle timeframes noted at the top of this page. Note that some sections have multiple enhancements. If an action is required by participating programs to use the enhancement, click the links under Enhancement Details to learn more. Additional enhancements may have been automatically released; review the Release Notes to learn more.
Portal |
Section |
Enhancement Details |
Implementation |
Availability |
Applicant Portal |
Account Information |
The European Union General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a legal framework that sets guidelines for the collection and processing of personal information of individuals within the European Union. The GDPR question explains the information we collect and how we use their information. Users located in a European Union country, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, or Switzerland must opt into our policies when creating an account. |
No action required by participating programs to use this enhancement. |
Available at cycle launch |
Applicant Portal |
Extended Profile |
The UTSA Auto-admit and UTSA VIP graduate applicant types are now combined into a single applicant type, UTSA Keep Running With US (KRWU). |
No action required by participating programs to use this enhancement. |
Available at cycle launch |
Applicant Portal |
Page Footer |
The links in the footer were updated. |
No action required by participating programs to use this enhancement. |
Available at cycle launch |
Applicant Portal |
Login |
The Login page text was updated. |
No action required by participating programs to use this enhancement. |
Available at cycle launch |
Applicant Portal |
Academic History – Colleges Attended |
The instructional text was updated to better assist applicants. |
No action required by participating programs to use this enhancement. |
Available at cycle launch |
Applicant Portal |
Academic History – Transcript Acknowledgement |
The Transcript Acknowledgement statement text was updated. |
No action required by participating programs to use this enhancement. |
Available at cycle launch |
Applicant Portal |
Academic History – UTSA ID |
The instructional text was updated to better assist applicants. |
No action required by participating programs to use this enhancement. |
Available at cycle launch |
Applicant Portal |
Various |
UTSA now accepts Duolingo English Language Proficiency test scores. Applicants can submit Duolingo scores to apply for a language exemption waiver. The test report can be uploaded to the Documents section. |
No action required by participating programs to use this enhancement. |
Available at cycle launch |
Applicant Portal |
Email Templates |
The Application Submitted email template was updated. |
No action required by participating programs to use this enhancement. |
Available at cycle launch |